Denny Triangle

These are all from me.

I’m curious. Did you not include Leitch’s emails because they were too sad or too vulgar (or both)?


Why would Rocket feel the need to give Samer instructions on heating up the jelly donut before he fucks it if he’s assuming Samer already has experience doing so? 

Rocket McFadden is totally voting Hillary.

I wonder if they would give Suh back to the Lions in exchange for this stack of Delta Airlines drink vouchers I have?

Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.

What a good boy, shitting outside.

Ted Cruz combines the charisma of a mortician with the political savvy of the kid who wears a suit while running for high school class president.

Finally, the coveted lipless weirdo demographic.

He’s not at all bothered by this. Now he can devote more time to his start up video game company.

So aren’t Russell’s pre- and post-sex numbers sort of like that Seinfeld where George gets smart when he stops having sex, and then when he finally breaks he’s so dumb that he messes up one of Jerry’s acts?

I googled “carcazoid barkevious” because I am a dumb and don’t know my anatomy.

I didn’t “feel unified” the night of 9-11-01, because I was paralyzed and silent while quietly wondering if my uncle was alive and not wanting to ask my parents because I figured if they knew, they’d tell me.

I wasn’t sure where I stood on this while Kaepernick issue, but now I’m glad it happened because it is going to force us to confront an ugly fact that no one wants to acknowledge and many young people don’t believe is even possible:

I’m going to argue that The Fugitive is the best Chicago Movie of recent times. The Blues Brothers is not as good as you remember it; The Dark Knight is incredible but, while filmed largely in Chicago, takes place in “Gotham”. The only John Hughes film that counts, and the only alternative I’ll accept, is Ferris

C’mon, sheeple!

I can’t think of another average player who’s gotten as much slack. It’s baffling.

Start?Sit?I thought everyone was kneeling now.

Who should I sit?