
I give him a pass because he said the clear “all humans should feel this way at all times and I did then” statement first. I do think it’s natural to experience an elevation of disgust at the idea of harm to someone who looks like or seems like someone you love - it’s just bull**** when people act like you can’t

First, it’s so weird that you imagine the child would have been asking permission for a playdate rather than the professional adult framing it as a field trip. Also, this was in 1983 and adults were much less familiar with how sexual assault and assault of children worked in general, plus the guys spent months

Jabbar I thought was done in the best structural way you could do it - introduced in the pilot and not when writers got desperate, they follow through on most consequences and how strange that would be, etc. But what got me about that is that they never really let Jasmine fully face what a huge loss that was for

As far as I can tell Farrow started investigating first and sometime around when NBC refused to air what he had found NYT picked up the story, and then Kantor and Twohey published first before Farrow’s work got published the New Yorker. Those three appear to have done nothing but amplify and respect the others’ work

You’re deliberately misunderstanding her. She talks specifically about how their ideas and content and skills were mediocre, not their appearance - and her description of their appearance doesn’t underline those appearances grossness but rather their total homogeneity, that all these dozens of people come from the

These folks may have been accused of things I’m not aware of (in which case, carry on!) but being a cheating sleazeball or otherwise relationally deficient is a totally different category of offense than non-consensual sexual contact, workplace and dating harassment, and physical abuse, and I don’t think it serves

I’m genuinely confused by this claim - how was he not given an opportunity to mount a defense? Many weeks separated accusations and his resignation announcement. He had lots of opportunities to say “I definitely didn’t do this” or “I have contacted each person and made amends” or “I did this one thing but then the

It is so SO much more interesting if she’s a nobody, I really hope JJ Abrams doesn’t retcon it away for a dumb mystery box three seconds of “oooh.”

All these comments are so bizzarely either or. Yes, the song was written in a different time and may in that time even have been empowering for some, and we can understand that initial writing and performance in that context. But now, it is clear that both this song and GTT are weird and problematic and racist, and

My daughter is two and a half and I cannot imagine what I would do if I heard a Mom tell her to cut down before a recital, even affectionately. I feel blinding rage just thinking about it. On the one hand that stuff is so clearly about the Mom’s own issues, I don’t want to be mad at them they aren’t trying to hurt but

This is the other problem with a widespread “personal responsibility” and individualist ethic digging its heels in even farther in the US - people can be convinced that they are responsible for things they are definitely not responsible for. Also, just on a basic psych level, haven’t you ever been confronted with

No they are not - plus, creativity and talent just work really differently for different people. Some folks need the time, or the thinking over things with collaborators, or multiple experiments, or whatever to be a part of their process to be their best, and a show like Top Chef just can’t allow for that. I almost

The weird thing about that line is that even is you excuse the politics of it because the character is going to go through transformation or whatever, the world building of it is odd. If reference can be made to it, is this then a world where Black Lives Matter exists? So, in the last 2,000 years there has been both

What happens after every real-life rebellion is that the warriors of the rebellion have a very hard time adjusting to peace - I think it makes sense he would be haunted by possibilities of evil-to-come, evil-he-misses, evil-that’s-his-fault and (especially without any of his own mentors or teachers still around to

There also is so much strange and disturbing sexualization of female children in a lot of the “great” movies of the 1970s - it doesn’t surprise me that many of these stories have been about underage girls, it makes sense that there were have some folks somewhere involved in the making of these movies for whom that

This is a real sticking point for me. My husband was a public school teacher and we support public schools so will enroll our kids when they’re old enough, but I am SO MAD we will basically have to unteach and reteach every single thing they learn in history and social studies until at least 9th grade. Public schools

I love a lot of these actors and a good romp about people doing stupid/creative/amazing things, but damn if every single woman in that trailer wasn’t silent and decorative (besides the one who was silent, kissed a person, and threw a thing). Movies about sexist times and people can still be great, but movies without


Yeah and they seem to setting up that Ren might be going for “tear down the distinction between the Light and the Dark and rule,” not “embrace the Dark,” which would be both much more interesting to watch (less predictable, we haven’t seen it before) and it’s something I can believe good characters like Rey might

Immigration has been America’s very successful answer to this for a generation until YOU CAME ALONG, GOP. We’re not Italy or Japan and our economic engine kept moving, precisely because we let people in. They are really going full Nazi and it’s depressing.