
Does he seem like a player? A thirty year old having had at least three relationships during his adult life and admiring several women whom he does not date seems pretty average-to-low numerically. Now the talking about it all the time could be posturing, or ego, or hes just that guy from 9th grade who talked about

I think his thing is that he’s an old-school, true-blue entertainer, and tends to pick songs he thinks can be accompanied by great dances and made into great concert or club experiences rather than...being great *songs.* It is unfortunate, because he is so ridiculously talented.

I think we just disagree about what is happening in the conversation, and how you can characterize the tone of a conversation vs. its content. The conversation *did* end with Swinton responding to Cho’s clarification about a whole history of whitewashing with her mentioning one specific movie where she was working

I hear that, but I’m genuinely confused about where the lie is. She said she felt like a house Asian, not that she was explicitly called one, and it sounds like (reasonably or unreasonably) this conversation did make her feel that way. Cho used the words “don’t tell anybody” when Swinton used the words “private,” but

If you say you don’t want to but then continue to do so and continue to benefit from doing so, your saying it isn’t worth much. I am sure Tilda Swinton is a lovely human being in many respects, but she is not great on race and has some stuff to learn and this exchange underlines that. I agree she says a lot of things

WEIRD HOW CHO’S EXPERIENCE OF IT IS BEING DISCOUNTED WHEN PEOPLE DESCRIBE IT AS COMPASSIONATE. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. It seems so clear to me that Cho in this exchange is being extremely polite to try and get someone with power to act better, but Swinton says a lot of shady stuff and covers it with charm.

I thought this was a thing that had happened to all women and people of color and queer people - someone asks you to make them feel better about being a part of oppression, you want to offer them a way forward so you make really nicey-nice while explaining basic things that make your life terrible, they say

Because no other Indian actors exist? I understand the impulse to be kind, and if it was the only slip-up I might give them a pass, but they also made “Mindy Park” who is specified Korean-American in the book a white woman, and made the main crew all ethnicity non-specific in the book white. That speaks to me of

They weirdly did the same exact same thing *with Chiwetel Ejiofor* in The Martian. The logic seems to be, if we make multiple source material Asian characters not Asian, and make most characters white but one non-main character Black, we aren’t racist! Hollywood needs to get it together.

In my white family I heard this song and it was definitely part of the rotation (along with the many, many covers) but it wasn’t one of the top three most played Christmas songs, and doesn’t play the essential role you describe. In my family Christmas has not really occurred until you hear songs from the movie White

In a segregated society most nepotism will be ethnic nepotism, because the overwhelming majority of white people are mostly related to white people, educated with white people, socialize and worship with white people and the overwhelming majority of black people are mostly related to black people, educated with black

No they aren’t because nepotism is how history doubles down on itself even when legal systems shift. For example: segregation ensured the most powerful workplaces were filled with white people a generation ago - nepotism ensures that disproportionate advantage continues in this generation, while becoming more

Yeah, but that’s exactly the thing - for many of those women their assault was a deeply traumatic experience but it isn’t the driver of their every move, their defining feature, the only thing that motivates or describes them. On TV rape usually is momentary (dramatic and titillating in the episode then forgotten

It manages to have some real racist and naive and white-people-focused stuff while talking about racism - I don’t think all the resentment is about LGBTQ rights being robbed of their moment, at least some has to be that there are so many more movies that engage racism directly and artfully and interestingly and this

And she may be right, and is totally free to campaign and advocate against their use in her community just as I campaign and advocate against complementarianism and fetishization of childrearing in my Christian community, and my friend advocates against synagogues that have segregated gender seating in hers. But as

France has several stupid, racist, and discriminatory rules regarding dress that I am perfectly clear about. In the early 2000s hijab were banned from public schools it’s true - and in 2007 “full-face” veils like burqa and niqab were banned from public spaces all together, which had precisely no effect on the number

It might have been private education that failed them, to be fair.

You still need a reason to ban something beyond “most of the people who use them live in bad places.” If women are forced to don niqab, that is already illegal, and would be much easier to prosecute/address if Muslims weren’t totally alienated from European governments that spend all their time spewing hate at them.

“force, freedom, rights, choice, knowledge” - many are forced into clitoridectomies which is clearly wrong, and minors aren’t capable of consenting to such radical permanent bodily change, especially one where they and many practitioners have so little knowledge of the body and clitoridectomy’s consequences,

If I was just hanging out with a friend, didn’t have plans, and every employee disappeared from the CVS I was in, I’d want to see the end of that story through.