
A few things in here are bad - “sounds gay,” the oversimplification of Jewish people and Black people as categories, etc. But most of it is ten thousand times more thoughtful, honest, and invested in the actual stuff going on in the world today than most public figures ever get. I say what I say whenever someone

This guy does not seem like a good guy. But I am made very nervous by Australia’s latest string of making political statements (even those I agree with) by keeping people out. For a nation that has a history of using immigration to be as discriminatory as possible (White Australia as official policy wasn’t dismantled

Filipinos share a lot culturally with most Latinos because of the history of Spanish occupation, but most Filipinos I know identify as Asian. Because of American racial readings and assumptions though, lots of Filipino kids get both anti-Asian and anti-Latin@ racism at school. FUN!

That job might be gone, but there will be others. It is so hard, but it really can be better with therapeutic and social help. I’m lucky that I feel satisfied right now with being a Mom, but a lot of that is because my mom and brothers all have taken her for chunks of time to help us all be healthier. If you don’t

I took a course on Vampires for my undergraduate religious studies degree, and in my experience it mostly is. Most modern vampires are rooted in Stoker’s Dracula, which is chock full of “angry people coming from the East!” and “London getting what is coming to it!” and “are English soldiers even virile and oppressy

You DEFINITELY don’t have to, so there’s that (I was formula fed! Almost all ‘80s babies were formula fed! We’re fine!)- but also, it doesn’t always suck. I am breastfeeding right now and the first few weeks were torturous, and I now occasionally feel overwhelmed (mostly the sleepiness) but it’s never painful and is

I am very nervous about Aaron Sorkin as a match for this material (I like his talents on competitive struggling men in business, but haven’t seen him do well outside that narrative) but this could be SO GREAT. Lucille Ball has such an incredible story personally and professionally, and if you’ve ever read Love, Lucy

People can’t insist on knowing you though - you say “I don’t want to have a relationship” and then if they keep coming they are stalking and harassing you and you ask police to help stop them. I would have much more sympathy for keeping identities secret if biokids showing up and driving sperm donors crazy was a

You sound like you’re fine either way, but for my two cents that is, in my view, false and unBiblical to boot. I am a Pastor and have had to explain to many deeply upset and grieving relatives that if their family wants or needs to get cremated that is fine. If we believe God can resurrect people from decomposed


I am white and have super curly hair that people regularly want to play with. I have never had anyone over the age of five touch it without asking, or ever had anyone ask me before they have spent large amounts of time with me and know me, because adults in our culture recognize that I am not a petting zoo animal and

True and agreed, in rage I conflated several things that all make me frustrated, some of which are more reasonable than others and operate in different ways, but I still doubt PE firms offer value added equivalent to their exorbitant fees. They do a lot of VC and restructuring, right, and basically offer access and

Which would be reasonable if fund managers and PE firms consistently (and on the kind of time scales that matter to a university, which are long, not to a temporary shark investor with smart thinking who might genuinely beat competitors) got greater gains than just random representative slices of the stock market.

Hip hop is no more misogynistic than other popular musical genres cultivated in our overall misogynistic society - it simply is standard in the genre to be more lyrically vivid than than rock and pop, so you feel everything it talks about more viscerally, and it is a creation of Black people, so people like to

Hahhahah I am glad you asked because I def thought he meant the Pentagon and was laughing at him. Sorry Arnold!

This picture is actually a great example of how racism always underlies brownface, blackface, and yellowface. The shade of brown is completely different from Desi Arnaz’s skin tone, the guy has not made the same effort to emulate Arnaz’s distinctive hair, and he is making facial and hand gestures not at all associated

I think there’s real value in certain kinds of social media protest, but it makes perfect sense to me that coming from SA Trevor would give it side eye - there, protests that actually made change on the most important issues of the day were all protests where the protestors took enormous risks for what they beleived

Inviting others to contribute and reflect on what you are saying, and making it clear to subordinates that you are truly asking about progress rather than assuming failure (a major context in which I use “just checking in” or “just a friendly reminder” or “just wanted to know”) is better leadership, not worse

A much more accurate descriptor would be, “places where almost no people of Chinese heritage live.” Chicago has great Chinese food. Maine has crappy Chinese food. People always say Midwest when what they actually mean is homogenously white, rural places, most of which today are actually in the northeast and