
He can't - a) religious beliefs aren't a legal excuse for behavior that a reasonable judge and/or jury considers child abuse, I'm pretty sure this possession thing would be no defense for isolating the child (just like minors who are Christian Science or Jehovah's Witness receive full medical care as children, and

I don't think anyone has ever gotten mad at him for sleeping with multiple women - they have gotten mad at him for saying creepy innapropriate stuff about women he's slept with.…. I think it's unfair to hold anyone to the standard of the worst things they've ever said, because

Memoirs of a Geisha is an atrocious work of Orientalism, which may very well have betrayed and distorted the life of a real living sex worker. Off topic, I know, and lots of people have been moved by that book and I've been deeply moved by books that have problems, and to each their own, but Good Gracious do I hate

I also wonder if men have more trouble with the concept that they can't just fix the illness, and find themselves overwhelmed by the frustration and less useful to their families and spouses. When I went through a bout of depression my husband and parents were all super supportive, but I could see how much harder it

Sure, but...harm reduction. Harm reduction, harm reduction, harm reduction. Even if it's not good enough, if it's better than now I have to support it. Fewer dead babies and prosecuted desperate people is fewer dead babies and prosecuted depserate people, even if it's not yet to the 'zero' we obviously all want. I

AAAGGGHHH! My brain is mortified beyond comprehension. My husband, however, brings up a good point - "How does she know that they didn't?"

When I was three-fourish I was extremely obsessed with the Care Bears movie (made my Mom watch upwards of 100 times). When I saw people fighting on the street I would stop and attempt to Care Bear stare them into being nice to one another, but making big exploding motions with my hands coming out of my belly. I think

Because it's not an accident that they are not there. The reality of the world is that it is racially, ethnically, and gender-diverse. If I turn on a movie or see a game where everyone is white, that's not an accident - someone had to look at the world and try really hard to erase most of the people in it before they

I'm not Catholic but I am a Pastor and I give out ashes at the train station in my neighborhood on Ash Wednesday, for people who are estranged from church or work two jobs or whatever. We call it "Ashes on the Go" - not quite drive through, but definitely easy.

I think the key is that she has a one-year-old - she was probably not only busy as hell but breastfeeding and having erratic periods, etc. from the previous birth, so pregnancy could be a lot less noticeable and you could put weight gain down to "two kids, I'm insane." Also, I feel my baby kick a lot but only when I'm

My husband's a math teacher and there actually is a ton of wiggle room, unless you're willing to just give a bunch of kids Fs who are pretty decent on the material. It's all of the "they got the wrong answer, but did the right technique" or "they knew the formula, but messed up their signs" type stuff - how many

But a statute of limitations wouldn't have helped in lots of those cases - the problem there was bad science and a reluctance to look at facts and alibis that denied the stories adults were being force-fed by their supposed caregivers. The problem wasn't the amount of time that had passed. They should have been able

I actually thought this was a really clever and age appropriate way for her to handle it - she's making a political expression, she is clearly wearing a very modest shirt once you take a second look, and the breast print on the shirt isn't at all sexualized. The fact that she's young emphasizes to me how much more

I appreciate the background knowledge, but none of what you mentioned is any excuse for the racist casting of this show. If they can find black opera aspirants to be dead, weak bodies, some of those black people could have been cast as chorus members for other scenes, background characters in the more prominent and

I really don't think your attitude is as widespread as you think it is. Even if I would never experience consequences, I wouldn't commit violence against any other person because the thought disgusts and hurts me, not just them. If a similar study showed the same proportion of men saying they would commit murder (or,

This is my favorite kind of terrible gift because the person clearly tried. It's not like they were thoughtless and picked up tissues or candy at the CVS - they thought about it, took their time, then somehow looked at this monstrosity and thought, "Yes. This is classy. This will WORK!" It's so poignant and so deeply

None of the people above are normally people I agree with, but they're kind of right, right? Now that there's clear evidence the attack originated from North Korea, that's officially a foreign government explicitly threatening American citizens with an attack like 9-11. If that's not declaring war, what is? I don't

You have some work to do. If you think kindness is the limit of what is needed to stop mass death of Black teenagers, you have some work to do. If you think the primary meaning of this essay was that you should apologize for something, or was even about white people, you have some work to do. If you don't understand

Yeah and Petunia makes a reference to him living in undesirable Spinner's End, which makes no sense unless they all live in the same town. Not a reveal, just an expansion.

I don't know the show well enough to know whether they'll handle it well or if it was a thoughtful narrative choice, but in general if rape is going to to be depicted I prefer that it be pretty graphic and disturbing. I feel like it forces everybody to recognize, "Ok, if this is the story, THIS is the story," and