
I will never understand the purpose of these hacks and how these people enjoy using them.

Similar story to the early 90's. They didn’t trade away Bernie Williams for some one or two year free agent when they had the chance. Then Jeter, Posada, Rivera and Pettite came up and the rest is history. They’ll fill in some holes with free agents, probably overpaying for a few of them, but they look strong for the

The game that came before wasn’t garbage. It was THQ’s actions, lack of, that destroyed it and THQ in a very swift swoop. The multiplayer was amazing and showed potential to be something that could potentially compete with BF/CoD in the future. The single player was an enjoyable but stunted experience due to being

I do and I haven’t run into many issues for the games I’ve played. Its been a pretty solid experience so far and I can’t complain.

Basically it went from realistic games to space battles in a really short period of time.

Last night I got swarmed by multiple groups of DZ99 Gear220 guys. They were all rogue level 5. I don’t know if it was multiple groups fighting or working together, but this is ridiculous. After I was instantly killed they just all stayed outside the safe house and I could not leave. I finally thought I could make a