
I gave up reading it the first time (“where are the laser battles and dual narrative structure?” I cried) but when I returned to it a year later and changed my expectations (“there’s going to be more tea served in this one” I nodded) it was a better experience

Here’s the thing about the Kennedy Assassination, it’s very obvious Oswald did it. He worked at the Book Depository, he owned the rifle they found at the Book Depository, and he was in the Marines and was trained to use firearms. If anything the fact is the evidence found by the Warren Commission is the closest to the

I very, very much believe that all of the conspiracies around the JFK assassination are bogus, BUT the idea that a secret cabal within the government- whether it was headed by J. Edgar Hoover, or LBJ or whoever had him killed just sounds so... Game of Thrones-y. It’s a compelling story even though it’s almost

I hate to criticize... but Animal Planet proved mermaids in a compelling documentary. Plus we have ‘Thumph’ sound as additional proof. Oh they are out there. Watching and waiting... Fools believe in Global Warning. It’s the mer-people slowly melting the polar ices from their Atlantean dwellings,

Well he took the office of Senator and was sworn in by his son Beau’s hospital bed following a car crash that killed his I think he could handle it.

Saaaame! But I want him to be VP forever because his blue steel gaze behind POTUS makes me happy. I mean how amazing would it be if he got to debate Marco Rubio (because a semi-moderate will win the Republican nomination, and probs try to compensate by attaching a cuckoo banana pants Republican to “bridge the party”)?

It’s a mallard. They gave it the markings of a mallard duck.

We used the rent the same beach house every year in Brigantine, NJ, and there were Mary Stewarts in the bookshelf. They also had Iris Murdoch’s “A Fairly Honourable Defeat” and some other amazing books I never would have read otherwise.

My parents bought a “summer house” in 1969. The previous owner left the bookshelves filled with these and other Gothics. They never got thrown out and by the time I was twelve I’d race through the door on the first summer weekend, grab a handful and disappear. I never took one home at the end of the summer. They

OMG, I lived there for 26 years and I have never-fucking-seen-this-before.

Hey, at least it isn’t overrun with orcs, like New Zealand.

For the most part though Australia is pretty darn safe. The wild animals that are dangerous are generally very hard to find unless you’re actively searching/hunting them and the other ones are for the most part harmless and friendly as long as you have common sense and keep in mind that these are un-domesticated

The lines shuffled along, slowly and inexorably.

I was so nervous. I was so young, a runt from my Division. I'd come here, to the Foundry for the Selection. Would they choose me? No, I am clumsy and awkward, they'd never do that. But I want to be Selected! To become like Them! But maybe I want something else? It's nagging at me, behind my bland face that I think I

He was satisfactory. It was all he could hope for, all he could possibly aspire to be. Satisfactory meant he could carry on, satisfactory meant he could continue has he always had, satisfactory meant he was alive. Unlike… He eyed the body of his friend of 5 years with a mix of resignation and mild irritation.