Belle Starr

His hardcore base doesn’t care, but there aren’t enough of them for him to come anywhere close to winning the election. To win, he also needs the votes of a lot of non-”deplorable” conservatives. People like John McCain and Condie Rice.

His base is still with him and mad at those abandoning him.

Here’s what’s frustrating about this: We already knew he was a racist. He’s already dehumanized black americans, latino americans, muslim americans. He’s a racist.

You went on the record on the right side of history, early and unequivocally.

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

They were inoculating for small pox—in a pretty awful way, smearing pus in open cuts—by the time of the revolutionary war. The Inoculation of Valley Forge saved the Continental Army and essentially the revolution.

You forgot the homeopathy. All that delicious, delicious $150 magic sugar water

Jill is also a rampant misogynist. The tweet she did on Mother’s Day discussing her belief that Clinton was a shitty mother was stupifying.

Jill Stein has some absurd stances, too. She wants to ban all GMOs, she is sympathetic to anti vaxxers, and she thinks Obamacare set single payer back.

The only way to woman right is if you parrot back everything a man says, and otherwise sit quietly while looking pretty otherwise BACK TO THE KITCHEN!

Oh they will vote for Jill Stein, because Jill Stein will never be president. And a woman who will never be president is okay in Bernielandia.

What I find more impressive is how everybody that claims to be a progressive speak as if Bernie gave them all PHDs in economics and political science. I find their whole attitude insufferable.

Bernie supporters are part of the reason I stopped being one.

Right? We all knew that was going to happen. The minute Warren did something that went against the bros, she stopped being the “cool chick.”

But. But. Palestinians.

I so desperately wish they would stop misusing “neoliberal.” It’s painful.

It was impressive how fast Elizabeth Warren went from “their one woman friend” to a total traitor. Now they’ve glommed onto Jill Stein to prove they aren’t sexist.

“But if you give her your vote now, you’re never going to be able to negotiate with her neoliberal side of the party, and you won’t be able to extract concessions to move the country left. Which is why, if you let Trump win this time, the Democrats are going to woo you and concede stuff to you in order to gain your

Honestly I think it’d be a great teaching tool to have students choose a song and then tell which parts are historically accurate and which aren’t. Obviously not every song will work for that, but it’d be a neat lesson plan.

hmmmmmmmm, though it’s sort of adorable to imagine a version of me that would stop doing something simply because my boyfriend wanted me to, that’s not what happened here.