Gary Johnson seems like a principled and decent man—much better than almost any of the Republican candidates.
Gary Johnson seems like a principled and decent man—much better than almost any of the Republican candidates.
I’m voting for Hillary out of self preservation. I don’t like but, as a racially ambigious brown person, a Trump presidency increases the likelihood I will get a brick to the face by a random racist.
If anything, I think this should scare some sense into “Bernie or Bust”ers. My first thought when I found out about the Brexit this morning was “dear god, there is actually a non-zero chance that Donald Trump is going to be our next president.” (Personally, I’m a Bernie supporter, but I’ll certainly vote for Clinton…
Looking at Jill Stein’s Twitter feed, I don’t know how anyone could vote for her for any reason.
Because I want Clinton to win and am voting for her?
It’s not going to happen. Let’s be serious. A smaller percentage of Bernie supporters have claimed they won’t vote for Clinton than Clinton supporters who claimed they wouldn’t vote for Obama. And at least 90% of those people are lying in the “if so and so wins, I’m moving to Canada” way.
I think we need someone like Sanders speaking to the best traditions of the party, and I wish that he were the Democratic nominee. But he’s not, so tough shit for me. I’m voting Clinton.
But in many ways this is not a short-term sacrifice considering the next president is likely to shape SCOTUS for the coming generation(s). That’s a long-term sacrifice for long-term losses.
Short-term sacrifice???? 4-8 years is a lot of time to fuck up the country and economy and undoing the past 8 years of progress—not to mention that the next President (and Party in control of Congress) will be nominating up to 4 Supreme Court Justices that will be impacting every American's life for years to come! If…
That inclination to remain pure while other people do the work is exactly why Barney Frank hates Bernie Sanders.
Man, I think you’re making a big assumption that Bernie Sanders voters will be staying abreast of international news
Honestly, it won’t. I still don’t understand how anyone could miss an opportunity to cancel out a nazi’s vote though. Every vote for Clinton, like her or not, nullifies some backwoods klan sympathizers vote, and I can’t wait to flex that muscle.
It’s like these idiots don’t realize what Clinton will do to SCOTUS and how that will positively affect their supposed values. I suspect none of them have a problem with Clinton appointees like Breyer and RBG.
Considering that the real prize here is Scotus, any Bernie supporter who votes for Stein is a schmuck.
I’ve talked to more than a few sane conservatives like you. I think people will be surprised at the amount of GOP women who are going to quielty vote for Clinton.
I’m not sure why you are acting like we haven’t been on the slow move left since Obama was elected. I don’t know where you live but I live in a state the usually only goes blue during presidential election years. This means any progressive leftward movement is met by a heavy backlash from the more consistently voting…
No it wouldn’t—it wouldn’t change. Jill Stein is woefully unprepared and unqualified to be president. Sorry to burst your bubble. Go read the AMA she did on Reddit.
A protest vote. You know, like voting third party because Bernie didn’t get the nomination...
“You’ve Just Voted to Leave the EU. You Won’t BELIEVE What Happens Next...”
Fuck this fucking idiot. What did he think this was? A Twitter poll?