This is why whenever I need to get some food, I just go to the supermarket and hang out by the checkout. I get to be in close proximity to people who have food, which is the same as having it, yourself.
This is why whenever I need to get some food, I just go to the supermarket and hang out by the checkout. I get to be in close proximity to people who have food, which is the same as having it, yourself.
Hell, it’s not even trickle down economics anymore. Apparently, you’re supposed to just be happy to be in the physical vicinity of that kind of money.
I don’t think calling them morons and jamokes and dinguses and slow-witted white dorks in their best Sunday camo is handling them with kid gloves. I don’t think the solution to the imbalanced application of law enforcement in the United States is for the heavy-handed destructiveness wrongfully applied in certain…
Isn’t that funny? We’re monsters, fat and unfuckable yet men fuck us all the time.
The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.
I always find it entertaining how these people always characterize feminists as simultaneously being unfuckable monsters and dick-hungry sluts.
“Or considerably less, if it’s in any shade other than snow white.”
“the woman card, an all-powerful card worth 78.3% of a regular card”
Awesome turn of phrase.
(awful that it’s true. :()
I would say the much higher likelihood is that by virtue of being a lawyer, she may think her and her husband should be able to do/have whatever the fuck they want. Full disclosure: I’m a lawyer, and most of them are A-type assholes who think at least to some degree that they should be able to whatever the fuck they…
Worth noting: the (ex-)wife is a lawyer.
Disclosure: my cousin is one of the women that he is countersuing. I wonder what the thought process of his wife, who is his manager, was when she most likely ok'd this move? Something like, "let's take your horrifying acts and compound them with a huge dick-douche move", I imagine. Next he will be suing the…
Interesting that he brings up defamation only against the women suing him, but not against any of the others who have called him a rapist.
There needs to be an on-going segment here called, “Meanwhile, In Canada....” that helps us to keep things in perspective.
It's easy to criticize bc it's bigoted and wrong.
I was literally taught the difference in high school history class back in the early 2000s. And it wasn’t even framed as “these turbans good, those turbans bad!”
Apart from the abject stupidity of mistaking Sikhs for Muslims, and the abject stupidity of thinking all Muslims are terrorists ... I also don’t understand why the turban has become a symbol for terrorism in America when literally none of the terrorists acts here (or in France, for that matter) were performed by…
Super Mayo Boy saves the day by calling the police!
I’m sorry talk therapy hasn’t helped you. It has absolutely made an enormous and positive impact on my life.