Belle Starr

But it’s going to be a great episode next season.

There’s a long history of rape imagery and violence in the history of art, particularly the feminist performance art that she seems to be tapping into (I think of Yoko Ono’s Cut Piece in which the issues of violence, consent, and spectacle are simultaneously meshed and deconstructed). If anything Sulkowicz’s work

I’m not going to watch the video, but I’ve got to say, it’s pretty cool that she’s turning what happened to her into performance art pieces. It’s probably empowering, and I bet it’s a really good way to process it.

Totally agree. That said, not all inexpensive wine is shitty. Since I drink wine pretty much every night, I try to stay in the $12 - $16 range (I think things get dicey with anything less than $10), if you stick with varietals like Malbec, Rioja, cotes du Rhone, etc, you can find some pretty nice wines, whereas you

Is that actually Megyn Kelly’s site? I’m not disagreeing with you, she’ll most likely be throwing them nothing but wiffle balls, but all the tweets keep quoting some woman named Krystal Heath. I think this is just some whackadoodle maintaining a website to make it look like it’s Megyn Kelly saying this shit.

Yeah, the essay is some stupid, out-of-touch shit, but unless the students have evidence that isn’t being presented here regarding its violation of Title IX, the most the essay is worth is an eyeroll.

thank you. it WAS a boneheaded essay.

Feminism has found its Tea Party

Jesus, such a dumb ass thing to do. I just don’t see any reason to make a Title IX complaint just because Kipnis wrote a hilariously bone-headed essay. (Yes, Kipnis, schools are cracking down on such relationships and it’s a good thing.)

Read this earlier, and just, wow.

I mean, I was an idiot and a bad person in college too. But I never felt like I had the ability to try to ruin somebody’s life because... well, not because they didn’t agree with me, exactly, but because they agreed with me, but not on every exact thing.

Title IX is one of the greatest

Sigh...this is why we can’t have “nice” things. Agree or disagree, fine. But really, this kind of thing just adds more fuel to the Rush Limblah army—”Feminazis!” he’ll cry, while sitting on his mountain of money. And the real issues will be swept under the rug as usual.

This is really ridiculous. I’m all for college students speaking out against abuse or hate speak, but this was simply a critically thinking professor who has a different stance/opinion than some other campus feminists. Feminism is not a monolith! We are all allowed to have different feminist beliefs!!

wtf at all the comments acting like you don't get a whole week! Errr, before your PARENT remarries, without inviting you, the day after the hangover day of your wedding, with all the rest of your family there? Yes, you should get that time. Do these people think if you announced your wedding and then, like, your

Your sister didn’t learn to tie her shoes until she was fucking seven. So rest happily in the knowledge that your sister is stupid and needed the constant attention or she would have accidentally eaten a fork and died

Not gonna lie I’m so livid with your mother rn! That was your graduation!!!! So in the spirit of this article can I make it all about me for a second? Great.

I was married on a Saturday, flew across the country for my honeymoon on the following Monday. My dad, his fiance, my siblings, and my dad’s siblings all rented a vacation house on an island in our homestate for the rest of the week - fun for them, fun for me. Wednesday night my dad called me to inform me that on

This bride’s face should be a meme for “I’m smiling on the outside but on the inside I want to crymurder you”

Buffy people? Remember how no one could remember that Ben was Glory and Glory, Ben? I had to hear the rape allegations 3 times before they stuck. My mind wanted to reject the whole concept, even though I'm all for outing and punishing rapists

So, the first cheapest bottle it is! Brilliant!

There's always the Leslie Knope method...