I was overly into the first Pirates movie in college, but I do not at ALL understand who remains into him. Every time I see him in a watch ad or whatever I just go, “Who is this FOR?”
I was overly into the first Pirates movie in college, but I do not at ALL understand who remains into him. Every time I see him in a watch ad or whatever I just go, “Who is this FOR?”
It’s up!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URNq145UshA
It was in the end credits, appropriately, and I love it.
I’m bummed that I can’t find the end-credit song, “Maybe I’m Just Broken,” anywhere online. It was, in fact, a kickin’ ska jam.
Josh proposed marriage in front of his wife!
Of course Josh is oblivious and self-absorbed has eight disorders.
These sound truly dreadful.
Came here for Vincent Chase jokes. Sorely disappointed.
I think the real tell is saying someone put you there, “friendzoned” you, rather than recognizing it’s a place you came to yourself.
...which is probably why he didn’t publish this.
It fits the refined arthouse image that Amazon is in the middle of shedding
Drinking game.
Yeah but what misconception was this supposed to correct? What did she think I thought about 10,000?
Which part of the sketch?
Came here for the Medellin jokes.
I love it when the woman hyphenates but the man doesn’t. Really makes clear who owns who.
And also just the reminder that being truly good is, yknow, hard. Jason’s really just not that good at anything—what is he supposed to do? Tahani’s shallowness wasn’t reeaally hurting anyone—how many of us would’ve given up what she had? Eleanor’s been shown time and again that the people around her will humiliate,…
I’m glad we’re all Team Simone. As a woman who’s had important lifelong friendships with men, I am totally down for Chidi and Eleanor being moral/intellectual soulmates without being romantic/sexual soulmates. I loveloveloved the scene where Chidi and Simone got so excited about a joint project they both really cared…
Actually we don’t even know if the point system is real, do we?
My theory is that there’s a Good Place but no one’s in it because all humans are too flawed. We haven’t met anyone who works in the Good Place except that Janet was designed to be there!
Well he apparently told the truth about how all of them died, which is a little surprising. (But narratively probably best.)