Also something about Eleanor offering Tahani a place to crash and then realizing Tahani didn’t need it was very sweet. I will board this ship.
Also something about Eleanor offering Tahani a place to crash and then realizing Tahani didn’t need it was very sweet. I will board this ship.
This was the first time I watched the show on actual TV instead of Hulu. In the very last commercial break, NBC spoiled the whole ending with a commercial for next week’s episode that had Adam Scott in it! We couldn’t believe it. Sticking to Hulu.
Well what you have to do is not compare the full array but to order the first one you like, flow-chart style: pick the one that looks most interesting and ask for a sample. Do you like it? Order a pint. No? Try something else.
If you ask for three different samples and try to pick the best, this has now become work.
Especially since, depending on the building it’s probably faster to go the apartment door. Who knows how long jerks like me will keep you waiting downstairs if we have to put on pants/shoes etc?
Fantastic. Even if LydiaQuigley and MargaretWells don’t reappear, I want to know what happens with Justice Hunt and (the apparently invincible) Amelia Scanwell.
Also EmilyLacey won’t stay friends long with anyone, so she’s bound to spar with the Wells sisters. And who knows what Harriet and MissAnnePettifer will be up…
Are...are you talking to the TV show? The canceled one? I don’t think it can hear you.
Can’t believe “Teddy Perkins” wasn’t even *nominated* for writing.
Tragic oversight:
As much as I love Alan Rickman I always felt that Colonel Brandon had arranged things awfully neatly in his own favor.
I taught that passage for years as an SAT tutor and it really gave me new appreciation for the book.
There’s a passage in the book I really like, wherein Lizzie realizes that her father, despite being someone she relates to better than her mother, is both a bad husband AND a bad father—he couldn’t be bothered to protect his daughters from the injustices of the world, whereas their welfare was all her mother cared…
They didn’t even have *peepholes in their front doors* back then! Can you imagine how different this season would’ve been if they had?
Well I’m sure she would’ve liked to recap every episode. I’m guessing the recaps last season didn’t get enough traffic.
Also loved what they did with Lord Fallon over the course of the season because I found myself...liking him and Lucy together, despite myself. They were hot together! I think he even did care for her. (Which makes the Kitty Carter murder a bit confusing, since he’d rolled up to the brothel looking for Lucy. Was he…
What an incredible season. I love what they did with Justice Hunt. When we first met him I wondered if the season was going to reveal him as a monster or as a man, and it beautifully managed the latter in a realistic way. He’s not The Best Man (that’s still William North) but he is capable of re-evaluating his closely…
Those all sound thoughtful and interesting! Unlike this.
If only Schindler’s List had ended with Oskar single-handedly ending the Holocaust, and also had contained no depictions of anti-semitism.
Does this really count as woke? I think it’s more about “hot take” culture than anything else.
I don’t understand the argument that it’s only feminist if the heroine topples the patriarchy.
Fa Mulan was a real person, yet the patriarchy remains untoppled. Would it have been feminist to end the movie with, “And then sexism never happened again and all women could be whatever they wanted to be forever?” I think we…
I love Wes Anderson and couldn’t watch past the first 2 minutes of Napoleon Dynamite.