Is there some sort of evidence that anyone currently cares about Superbad? This premise is news to me.
Is there some sort of evidence that anyone currently cares about Superbad? This premise is news to me.
I guess it goes to show that the worst thing you can do to a female character is give her a love interest.
I think Al just knew that was the only way to get rid of him. Probably still likes him, just doesn’t want him in his house anymore.
And him paying the movers extra to do their job (instead of skimping and feeling victimized like he would’ve in the past) was a big growth moment. It doesn’t matter if it’s fair; it’s his job to get this done so it’s gonna get done.
Hey what about that brilliant moment where Earn walks right past the dudes trying to sign people up for credit cards? Cold as hell to his past self!
The episode seemed to be saying that clothes are way more important for black people because of how they get judged. (The aunt and mom say as much at the end.) Class struggles are real but there are plenty of white guys who just wear whatever and don’t care—that’s part of their privilege. Salty Dog kid probably had…
I think they figured they didn’t have a choice—either Earn had to take the abuse, or Devin did, and mixed in with the guilt was relief that that wasn’t him. Then with the mom and aunt telling them you have to stand up to bullies or be bullied forever, I think they sort of convinced themselves they’d done the right…
I almost felt like Earn was (unconsciously) using Tracey to punish himself.
And something about the way Tracy kept calling Earn Al’s cousin. Like he’s underscoring that Earn is only there cuz he’s family—not because he deserves it.
(Replying a month later! Didn’t realize until recently we could watch FX Now so I’m still getting caught up.)
Yes, that’s why they used the word “racist.”
Whereas that’s the one thing I WILL defend, because the word is undeniably funnier with the g sound at the end, making the mispronounced version a better punchline.
Saying “but he makes fun of Christians too!” is like saying, “but Bill Maher called Trump a gorilla!”
Look, I have tangoed with Ambien Walrus. Ambien Walrus has hid the clothing I specifically laid out to wear the next day, spent $100+ on sensible purchases at Uniqlo, written a page and a half of a play, (accurately) filled out and submitted online forms, and initiated some pretty hot sex. But Ambien Walrus has…
In the book Buddy dies and no one gets the diamonds. (Buddy and Foley realize their colleagues are planning to rape the woman who happened to be in the house they’re robbing, and it turns into a shootout amongst thieves.) They made the whole ending more movie-friendly and I respect that choice.
Good! I was hoping this to be the case. My brain was just having trouble understanding a cat that swole.
That is a quote from Titus Andronicus. I don’t think anyone forgave anyone in that play.
“as far from a ‘Harvey Weinstein’ that a person can get”
I don’t know what this could mean aside from “not Jewish.”
Yeah I unfriended people over knee-jerk defense of Keillor. Way too many people went, “He said all he did was put a hand a woman’s back! That must be 100% true! Can you believe they fired him for touching someone’s back???” No. I literally do not believe that.
And all over Garrison fucking Keillor. I had this whole…
On the outside of what?