Belle Starr

Though by that token, Master of None (which I loved) would be hard for me to watch. While Ansari’s allegations are arguably not as damning, I don’t think I’ll be able to watch him play this character who’s a generally good guy where women and sex are concerned. Like all those scenes of him longing for Francesca but

Emma(?) also has responded. She says she called her agent to quit the show and her agent said, “Too late, it’s cancelled.”

Yeah, people always pull the “what about all the jobs???” thing when in reality, most people are signing up for a show having no idea whether it’ll make it to air. We understand when shows get canceled due to lack of viewership, so clearly we’re aware that shows end.

As long as it’s not two giant tumors.

As far as I can tell—some conspiracy theory site posted something about the Obama CIA spying on French presidential candidates; someone else commented that Jarrett was involved in the cover up; Roseanne did as Roseanne do.

Do we actually have any reason to believe that’s muscle?

Does anyone know: does that mean it’s un-renewed, and won’t have a second season? Or just that the second season will be its last?

Well, a lot of interesting pieces have been written on just why this affected people so much, if you’d like to understand better.

You’re probably right. Don’t know why I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Love that Bateman’s apology is that he should’ve said lots of different things. You should’ve said fucking nothing, Jason! No one was talking to you! Maybe let the woman who got screamed at talk about her fucking experiences? Hmm?

Will Arnett at least wasn’t actively a dick but he could’ve told Bateman to shut it.

Danette didn’t say that, though. Alex changed what Danette said.

What sentiment? Danette said “voting for X candidate is a waste” and Alex turned that into “voting for any third party candidate is a waste” which is not what Danette said. It has nothing to do with my opinions on any particular candidate.

(But I like neither Stein nor Johnson if that helps with my credibility or

None of these opinions about any of these people makes “voting for Jill Stein” the same thing as “voting for any third party ever.”

Jill Stein sucks though. Go get vaccinated.

(Your reference to voting third party as “throwing your vote away” makes me sad for a different set of reasons.)

Were you shit on by commenters on this site for calling R. Kelly a predator? If not I’m not sure how this is relevant.

From the link you provided:

“According to Guinness World Records, the Bible is the best-selling book of all time with over 5 billion copies sold and distributed.” 

Definitely an A- at least.

Yeah. Sweeney Todd was definitely a B+. It’s the only time in history I will ever say “they shouldn’t have cast Alan Rickman.”

I think calling Moonrise Kingdom underrated is overrated.

I went to high school with Max and he was a cutie then too. (Also a really good guy, as far as a weirdo high schooler could tell.)