Belle Starr

“When other people complain they’re angry, which is bad, but when I complain I’m not angry at all, so I win!”

I also don’t remember anyone promising me that shows I liked in my childhood would go forever uncriticized for their ethnic stereotypes.

Okay but how DARE you compliment swans? They are the worst. Sure, give them their castle, keep them quarantined in a palace, but don’t you say one nice word.

In my day, “great” was for walls and czars, not for how your day’s been going!!!!!!

Nope. The absolute worst of her is in Season 7.

I will have to trust you on that. I hate the commercials for that show so much I could never watch it. My husband still occasionally says, “Know what this reminds me of? Star Wars” just to razz me.

Got my threads mixed up and for a second I thought you meant Todd Debeikis and was impressed by the reference.

P&R yes, but 30 Rock got weird and tedious with the Kenneth/Hazel stuff. I’m not saying I wish those seasons hadn’t been made, but it got a lot less fun to watch.

P&R is just one of those brilliant exceptions. (To most rules?)

I have always loved Cate Blanchett but this is the most viscerally I’ve ever been attracted to her.

The Silicon Valley news is good news in that a) I’m glad everyone involved will be employed another year and b) a lackluster sixth season will do me no harm if I simply do not watch it.

I love Silicon Valley but I’m having trouble thinking of a show that shouldn’t have ended after Season 5.

If Richard et al end this season back in that house I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch anymore.

Is it supposed to disappear entirely?

Oh no I’m gonna have to start pitying him soon aren’t I.

You know no one is stopping you from making that documentary, right?

I haven’t seen “Much Apu About Something,” but it sounds...weird. It blames Apu himself for the stereotypical characteristics, and white-man voice actor, that his characters gave him? I know Apu isn’t real but Indian immigrants are—it sounds like a weird accidental criticism of immigrants who haven’t assimilated in

Nah when she’s 30 she’ll be writing about how God sent her a second husband and it was all His plan.

First pilot? What about the probably execrable Heathers—or does that not count cuz they only aired it online?

Randomly read the book of The First Wives Club, and it is DARK, at least by comparison to the movie. The husband of the dead friend is the Big Bad of the story—he’s a virulent racist who beat both his wives and forced his first one to pull the plug on their comatose daughter. One of the ex-husbands ends up married to

1. Wait a Minute Ms. Postperson
2. Yoshimi Battles the Obscure Robot from a Forgotten Continuity
3. Londinium Calling (prequel reboot)
4. Eternaller Flame
5. Younger-than-the-Original Americans

Why is this conversation not beginning, ending, and consisting entirely of the words “Charlize Theron?”