Belle Starr

What? No! She’s obviously Henrietta Jones Sr.!

Oh, the people of Britain nominated those candidates directly?

Correction: the same people who hated TFA for being a retread *hate* TLJ for being “original.” 

Dark Jedis at the end of middle-of-the-trilogy films also tell the truth about your parentage.

(I’m assuming this happens at the end of Attack of the Clones? I will never see that movie.)

People complained that TFA was too much like the original trilogy; now they’re mad that TLJ deviated from the formula at all.

THANK YOU. That’s also pretty clear in the Expanded Universe. Once they have the ability to test for Force sensitivity, they go around testing everyone the meet who seems to have unusual luck or skill. (There’s a reference to Luke having wondered if Wedge could use the Force, but determining he was just a really good

Just like Luke in Empire! And then we found out that Darth Vader wasn’t actually his father at all.

My favorite part of the Christmas special was when Sherlock explained feminism to a room full of silent women.

I made the mistake of watching the S4 premiere. Not a mistake I repeated.

And Anakin himself came from nowhere!

Agreed—I’m honestly more curious about Finn’s parents.

But her accent did have me speculating.

Me too, especially since the casting call apparently specified an RP accent. I was happy to have my assumptions proven wrong!

Thank you for your reviews. I haven’t commented because I have not watched this show, and never will, but I have greatly enjoyed your descriptions. This truly sounds like one of the biggest failures of a show I can imagine.

You know in Lady Bird when the football coach has to step in to direct The Tempest? He clearly

I thought the new joke mode of Gendry transportation was long-distance sprinting, not rowing.

A side problem created by the caption contest is that now when I look at the professional New Yorker cartoons, I realize half of them were written the same way.

Kalb’s niece, not Kimmel’s.

“Young lady do you think you’re leaving the house dressed like that? Your stockings aren’t ripped at all and why can I not see a single bra strap!?!”

Calling a show “prestige TV” is akin to calling a show “popular,” in that the designation is unrelated to merit. Prestige TV is TV you can seem cultured by watching; it’s dependent on popular opinion.

I did not call Altered Carbon prestige TV. I wish that it did carry prestige, but so far it seems not to.

The distinctions between those groups seem entirely arbitrary to me. I can’t fathom why The Leftovers would be prestige but not Game of Thrones.

Nor did Altered Carbon or Dear White People air in the early aughts. Mine was a three-item list, and not every descriptor in the third item is relevant to the previous two.

I believe Altered Carbon is highly underrated—often the case with genre series— but I am aware it’s not for everyone.

It’s just sad. My friend who grew up very poor (and is still pretty poor) was excited by the first two episodes because he felt like he was watching people he knew, in a way he didn’t usually on TV. Then he found out all the ish and got so disgusted with her he stopped watching. I wish more sitcoms were realistic