
Before anyone flips out, people of all diets / dietary preferences can have disordered eating patterns. When I have seen nutritionists about how to be a vegan in a healthy way (making sure I get enough protein since I lift weights, making sure I get enough lipids so I don't get homicidally hangry in the afternoon) I

It's another Ducky Momo kind of day. Sigh.

As a dog-lover, there is so much rage boiling inside me right now. However, I'll just NICELY leave this for her:

Themed birthday parties, bright colors, and cartoons will always be fun. Haters can go to their beige and rattan room and watch Andy Rooney 60 minutes.

I'm not convinced it's even really a woman. "I bet you're fat as fuck" is a staple of male troll vocabulary.

Because she is every bit as sick and twisted as he is. That's really all there is to it.


I bet you're creepy as fuck online.

Are you fucking serious? She thought he was inviting her for a mini photo shoot. He manipulated her into that situation. If you think what he did was cool then you are probably a rapist.

Tip: the poster (Parisi) who keeps spamming about Marc Jacobs has a creepy weird obsession with him and is probably the author of the blog that has been linked to every post he/she has made on Jezebel for the last couple months. Look at that poster's history: not the most reliable source for information.

*sigh*. You are joking, right?

It's just the same story over and over again. I wonder how many women in total this has happened to.

exactly. this thread is annoying but ...shrug. what can you do.

I agree. This article talks about Caputo exploiting the grieving, yet its only purpose seems to be making fun of grieving people. I believe in psychics, mediums, all that metaphysical stuff. I'm not saying she's legit, but it is a little narrow minded to completely dismiss her as a fraud just because of her exposure.

I have the ability to communicate with people who have died and help them "cross over" if you will. I absolutely cannot walk up to a person and be like, "Oh hey! Do you have a Grandfather who died and loved Swiss Cheese? He says vote Republican." Watching her is like watching the visual version of nails on a

I do think most 'psychics' are observant con artists, but I can't help but believe some have a gift. My BFF and I went to one woman once, years ago, and we were both blown away with her specificity. She referred to very specific events that had happened to each of us and gave names. I've been to others, cheapy ones

holy non-believers. I grew up around mediums and psychics my whole life and while there are plenty of phonies out there ruining the credibility of those born with a gift that takes a shit ton of time to craft through spiritual meditation and praying, it's not all a circus. people like Caputo charge a lot because it

as a clairsentinent (form of clairvoyance) i believe people have a massive misunderstanding of what clairvoyance actually is because of people like this woman- i have not seen her show, nor do i have any desire to, but people who make massive amounts of money off of a natural tendency (good reason as to why i do not