
I absolutely agree with your point about black women. That’s one of the reasons I get annoyed when people want to hijack the discussion of an article about how WOMEN (all women) are disadvantaged in the work compared to men (all men), in order to make points about incarceration rates and who gets shot by the police

I’m not trying to diminish the horror of racism, particularly lynching, but at the same time women were and continue to be raped, beaten and murdered (often by an intimate partner), and serial killers target women and child and rarely men, so women have been victimized by violence is horrific numbers, society just

There have been actually studies on this. In general, employers (both male and female) reward male candidates/employees for negotiating, but they punish women for it. Men who negotiate are seen as strong and confident and adept at establishing their own value. Women who negotiate are seen as greedy, ungrateful

Lynching had more to do with race than with “protecting women”—look at anti-trans bathroom laws, for example. The same people crowing about how they want to “save women and children” don’t seem to give any shits about sexual assault victims. It’s about bullying in (white) women’s names, not about “protecting” women.

It’s complicated- black men weren’t being lynched because white women were offended that they looked at them, it was white men thinking white women belonged to them, and punishing black men for looking at their trophies. I don’t really believe black men have it better than white women, I think they mostly face the

Black men were considered worthy of a right to vote long before white/any women were.

I wonder what the stats are for any disparity in granting raises, based on race and gender.

You’re not engaging with arguments made.

I wish I had a nickel for every person that used the phrase “ad hominem” incorrectly as shorthand for “hey that person insulted me.” That’s not how this works. You haven’t actually presented an argument, just a series of unsupportable statements. It’s not possible for someone to levy an ad hominem attack against you

Wow... so she humiliated and used someone as a pawn for laughs?

You came into a thread talking about how Amy Schemer handles hecklers well, and started saying she sucks as a comic and hey Maria Bamford. This isn’t an “argument” that people want to engage with you in, because its completely out of left field, it’s a dumb argument because all it is is opinions and of course we’re

You do realize that a pro-woman discussion of female comics allows Maria Bamford and Amy Schumer to co-exist? Schumer’s success is only a detriment to Bamford if you believe that women inherently must compete with one another and that there’s only room for one of them.

“Well, she’s kinda a hack.” So, you start with an ad feminem argument, and....

Tell us: how did it feel to get tossed out of the show last night?

She really handles herself so confidently. When I saw her perform live she did a bit about Hillary Clinton and some guy yelled “Who cares!” She immediately had the spotlight on that guy and told him to come down to the stage if he really wanted to talk. She even used some condescending baby talk on him. Not another

Yeah, you don’t offer bail or an ankle braclet to a violent domestic abuser who was caught armed after kidnapping and torturing his wife...especially when they lives six miles from one another (says so in source). This judge fucked up royally and it cost this woman her life.

Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.

It is worded a bit ambiguously in the time of shade but Ken is applauding Selena for being open about why she’s taking time off because people generally don’t know that lupus has mental side effects as well as physical effects.

Sorkin is mansplaining writ large.

It’s not bad to like the West Wing! But if you rewatch it, particularly in conjunction with some of Sorkin’s other shows (or after you are more familiar with certain things he has said or done in RL), there’s a pretty good chance you’ll start to realize that a fair amount of what you originally thought was brilliant