Belle Brita

They aren’t equal to MRAs and their hateful rants and advocation of violence. I can think of ONE feminist, Valerie Solanas, author of the SCUM Manifesto, who actually advocated violence towards men. She was locked into an institution after shooting Wharhol. How many MRAS are there compared to her? I HATE their

I agree. I think the way she dresses seems like she wants to look attractive/stylish for her fans, which are often teenage girls. I don’t think her look screams “I want to be sexy for Men!”

There is a difference between saying “She is unconcerned with whether or not you find her attractive” and “She is unconcerned with the way she looks.”

Wouldn’t you say that it’s not that she doesn’t care about looking nice (which she clearly does, and would never be in this utterly juvenile “hot” list is she genuinely didn’t care), but more that they are picking up on the vibe that she isn’t looking nice for THEM. She doesn’t care what they think, whether they deem

While the picture creepily makes her look 12 and I hate the shit out of Maxim, I’m genuinely impressed with her answer re feminism. Well said, TSwift.

That male gaze double standard makes me want to chew my own fingers off in frustration. Of course she cares about how she looks. I love Taylor Swift but you’d have to be an idiot to not see how carefully she chooses what she wears or how she looks even if she’s just skipping out to the Duane Reade. Saying she’s hot

I’m fucking sorry I can’t handle 87 degrees but when you need three coats and two hats in the winter, I’m out there in a T-shirt. Don’t come crying to people like me when you need your car shoveled out; if I can handle the heat, you can freeze. And I grew up in Florida summers. I never went outside because it was

You are my new favorite person.

Yes. Yes it is.

FUUUUUUUUUCK people. Also, it’s COMPLETELY okay for a restaurant to say “there is no guarantee that there will be no cross contamination, but we will do our best. If your allergy is deadly, we don’t recommend ordering anything here.” THAT’S TOTALLY COOL. THIS IS COMING FROM SOMEONE WHO JUST PASSED THE BAR. AND WILL

A friend I knew when I lived in another state DID eat at home a lot. But sometimes he and his wife wanted to go out. Sometimes they went on vacation and did not have access to a kitchen. Not eating out is not always an option. For example, when he got married, the dinner at the reception needed to be all foods that

Having worked in a restaurant I can’t tell you how many times a customer doesn’t inform the staff about an allergy until the meal comes. They either assume that the dish doesn’t have the ingredient or they assume we know what their allergies are. Not saying that everybody is like this but, if you have an allergy, it

You know what’s worse than serving some dipstick who insists s/he can’t have gluten or raw tomatoes or tree nuts? Killing them with whatever they’re allergic to. Also BEING that person, because food allergies suck so, so bad. Of COURSE people with food allergies are paranoid in restaurants. I can’t believe people with

You’re right, people unfortunate enough to have food allergies should just be hermits and never go out anywhere ever. Right. Makes total sense.

Tbh, it’s not really a problem in restaurants (the pieces of tomato are either large enough to just pick off if they fuck it up, or it’s not something I can order anyway), but if I’m at a cookout or dinner party or whatever, the conversation is always

There’s absolutely a difference, as one requires way more care than the other. That’s a perfectly reasonable thing to be annoyed by. I’m just saying that even if you suspect the customer might not actually be allergic but might just be saying that, you should still be careful, just in case. The consequences are pretty

I went to college with a girl who died from a peanut allergy. She ordered chili and asked if the meat was cooked in peanut oil. The answer was no, so she ate a couple bites and then her throat closed up because the chili was thickened with peanut butter. She died in the car while her friends frantically drove her to

I’ve been glutened maybe 5 times at restaurants in the last couple of years, and some of those times were definitely MY FAULT, not double-checking seasoning or whatever. But a couple times were absolutely not.

Thank you for writing this and for sharing this person’s story. I hope this gets mainpaged on every website across the interwebs. My daughter has a serious allergy to tree nuts (as in her throat will swell shut and she could die) and a good fifty percent of the time, when asking the server about the ingredients of a