Belle Brita

Sure, but then you also get to deal with my aunt-in-law, who addresses me as Mrs. Husband’s First Name Last Name.

My husband’s cousin just sent us a Christmas card.

I was so good about not plugging my blog until this comment. I agree with you 1000% and wrote this to explain my dislike of “maiden” names.

Assuming you’re American, you know you can legally change your name for reasons other than marriage, right? There’s just a convoluted paperwork process. In Quebec, you can *only* change your name for reasons other than marriage.

My husband and I plan to give our future kids two last names, no hyphen. They get both our names!

My husband and I use a joke portmanteau for funsies (Flong), but we otherwise happily have separate last names.

I’ve decided to kill my husband’s aunt with kindness. I will soon send her handwritten notes (on the stationery my mom gifted my husband and me, with our separate names written on it), along with printed copies of my most popular blog posts. She doesn’t have a computer, so I’m sure she’ll appreciate the new reading

I mean, that’s basically a direct quote from the vows my husband and I exchanged when we got married and didn’t change our surnames.

I saw this on the nightly news with my dad, and I let out an excited WHOOP!

I love your username. <3

Slow-cooker meals should be easy. They are for the lazy chefs, aka me.

I am a hugger. I love to hug. I love to be hugged.

I no longer live in Ohio, but I was surprised when I moved there to discover so much anti-choice legislation. I feel like since Ohio is a swing state, its anti-choice shit sometimes flies under the national radar.

My husband and I casually go by Flong, aka Fleck + Long. It’s fun.

I was only okay with my dad walking me down the aisle (NOT giving me away, and the minister knew not to use any bullshit language like that) since my husband’s mother walked him down the aisle first.

I’ve been super vocal about keeping my last name, but some people still send me mail as Mrs. His First Name His Last Name.

Give the kids two last names, not hyphenated. I haven’t checked to see how it works in every state, but I’ve spoken to women in many US states about this. Usually, the law allows you to use both last names, or either last name, in any legal situation.

I love Chick-fil-A so much. So I just keep track of what I spent there in a year, and I make sure I donate at least 10% of that to Everyone Is Gay. I figure that evens things out.

I can't believe how many comments I had to read to find this.

I've been scrolling through this thread just to see if someone else already posted this. Bravo.