Belle Brita

I have teenage boys and if one of them was doing this, I would want him to be called out. I would hope that the girl's parents would contact me first, but you can't always expect that.

Does the panhandler follow you into your office?

No. That panhandler asks EVERYONE for spare change. He is not specifically targeting you and only you. Panhandling can be harassment if it is aggressive or intimidating in nature (different cities have different views on this matter).

I totally agree with you. My brother is autistic, and we've had to work very hard to establish boundaries with him. When he was younger he realized he could hug women and girls if he asked them, and because he was so cute they would often oblige, but he's sixteen now, taller than my dad, and is fairly strong. He's

Thinking about it more, the people who are attacking and wagging their finger at the mom for doing this do sort of seem like they're missing the point. How obnoxious do you have to be to someone for someone else to have to say something? Presume if the mother was motivated to do this, it's more than a simple matter of

"the vagina achievement"

That just made my day.

The socially inept will thank you. We do pick up on stuff, we are not clueless. It's really upsetting to get the sense that people are upset with you about something but you are not sure what. And if you chase people down asking them to explain, they get mad at you why you don't automatically read their mind. Clarity

Doe Eyes! I'm so happy to see her getting some recognition. She's Dr. Lindsey Doe, and she's a clinical sexologist! Doe Eyes is her personal channel, but she runs a sex ed channel on YouTube too called Sexplanations.

I'm autistic and I completely agree with you. I find arguments like 'What if the kid is autistic?' both disrespectful of autistic people and the basic right of every person not to have their boundaries violated.

As someone who was once a teenage boy with similarly offensive ideas about what it meant to try to win a girl over, I don't think that's a bad thing. A strong negative reaction, being "squashed into the ground", is at times a highly effective teaching tool, and I think this is one of the times that it might be more

Seconded. I was so this guy. I was an idiot. This kind of well explained tough love would have been a great thing. Instead I hurt the feelings of at least one or two girls who were really good friends, and that was not a cool way to learn this stuff.

"What if they're autistic?"

Then they definitely need someone to tell them this directly instead of imply it. I don't understand people who think they're doing the socially inept a service by letting them screw up and not saying anything to them.

This is making me think of a story that I have heard about repeatedly for my entire life. In a way, it has shaped my life, because it certainly shaped my mother's life and made her into the person she is. She had a life long best friend that was 'courted' frequently by a young man throughout high school. Her name was

I have Aspergers and when I first started college I was part of a small program for students on the autism spectrum. Besides me there were there were two other girls and one guy. One day when we were walking back to our dorms from a group meeting the guy told me he wanted to show me something in his room. I said yes,

I doubt anyone will see this because it's way down in the grays, but as somebody who was, in all likelihood, not terribly dissimilar from this boy when I was in school many, many years ago, I have to say I wish this video existed back then, because this is exactly what someone like me needed to hear.

Slightly off topic here, but also relevant - Doe Eyes also happens to be a licensed sexologist/awesome sex positive feminist and everyone should follow her channel because she gives really great advice and is super smart.

I hate 'What if the kid is autistic? What if they're developmentally delayed?'...

I'm still, after reading countless replies, not understanding what is wrong with thinking we need to teach our sons and daughters to be respectful and polite when refusing requests for bangage. Nothing wrong with saying no. Nothing wrong with not being into someone. Not a damned thing. but men act like women never

Just a little clarification: Doe Eyes is AKA Dr. Lindsey Doe, a sexologist and host of the popular "Sexplanations" YouTube channel.

Do you ask the same employer repeatedly to hire you within a span of days even after the position is closed?