Belle Brita

In re: women not having the vote in America for even a century yet. I keep thinking about this like every day. It's my new trump card when people tell me I'm too highfalutin for complaining about gender inequality. ONLY A HUNDRED YEARS AGO I COULDN'T VOTE IN THIS COUNTRY. That's bananas. Literal, tree-hanging

My mom proposed to my dad in the early '80s. They otherwise have a relationship with pretty typical gender roles. She just happened to be the one who really needed to initiate it. They never made a big deal about the engagement story, I think it was more about deciding to get married. Then my dad went out and bought

There are a lot of ladies who would be comfortable asking I think, but a lot of dudes who would not be comfortable being asked.

That said, I'm a fan of girls asking. I think it depends on the dynamics of each individual relationship. Not just in terms of whether each partner is cool with the idea, but maybe on who is

"Or is this the one(and only) case where men should still be men?"


People say it's 2014 like we're in some kind of future space-age

The husband came home from the dentist last week with a full mouth freeze, and I followed him around begging to say, "Wuv... twooo wuv..."

Am I a bad feminist for wanting my partner to propose to me? (be they male or female) I just like cheesy things like that and am always the type of person to do nice things for others'd be nice if someone did something sweet for me.

Sure, and men can start taking women's last names and the children can be named after the wife, no hypens allowed.

True story: a long time ago, in a land far away I *did* propose to a boyfriend. He is my ex now, but at the time we'd been dating about three years and I was pretty fucking sure he was it for me. I wanted to get on with things and be married. He replied to my proposal with: "You can't propose to me! That's like me

I have 4 "old" coach purses and I love them like Gollum loved Precious.

Two reasons: one is that sewn products cannot be copyrighted. But logos can. So if you want to try to take knockoffs to court you need to sue over the logo. Design isn't enough.

The other reason is that people want to flaunt (and if you think higher end stuff with fewer logos doesn't fall under this, think again). The

Older coach stuff is amazing, those thick leather handbags hold up just beautifully, but this new tacky shit with "coach" scrawled all over it? I'd be insulted!

Giving thoughtful gifts in private and telling someone you want to be "in it for the long haul" is better than a garish display of opulence in the town square in front of your entire family.

I could maybe understand if he took the iphones out of their boxes, turned them on, and like, ran the camera app so as to capture the proposal from all 360 degrees or something... is the only possible sense I could make of the headline and photo, anyway, then, no - it was just lots of new iphones. Maybe to give away

Okay, I wouldn't call VS good taste or good quality, and I wear it

And that he had no fucking taste! A heart made out of iPhones is supposed to be romantic now?

I physically cannot watch that video. I might die.

Public proposals really put women on the spot. I think they're always a bad idea, and more about the guy's narcissism than his devotion.

That kind of proposal would just prove to me that my partner did not make wise financial decisions, and was probably not someone to commit to for life.