Belle Brita

I was very young when all that was happening, but I do remember that Robin was labelled a "gold-digger" and treated horribly - some people ever said that poor Mike Tyson was HER victim of an elaborate smear campaign. Really disgusting. She did not get much support in the public eye, if I recall correctly. I always

I am as loud, confident, and feminist as they come, white, middle class, educated, well supported and all that jazz. I had only a small taste of what these women experienced but I still find it hard to say it out loud and I still took him back immediately. She's totally right, when the man you love, the man who hurt

This is why I think it's so intensely important to prosecute domestic violence as a crime of assault, instead of leaving it up to how the victim feels about it. Victims often become victims because they've been groomed to believe ridiculous lies — to really feel like they are to blame, or that this is how all

ugh. Yes. Especially what she said about black women being protective of black men and wanting to protect them from white people. We do that all the time to an almost pathological degree. We see white men gun them down and white women placing the blame on them in order to absolve themselves of their wrong doing, so we

Hey. Hey. Hey. Let's not be too hasty here. Michelle Obama is still flawless.

I think "prejudiced" is a better term than "racist" in this situation.

Are we really going with the word "racist" to describe dating preferences or attraction? Clearly in many cases these preferences are the result of historical and contemporary attitudes towards men and women of different races and ethnicities. That's an important discussion to have. But I'm so uncomfortable with the

Hypothesis: the bias towards dating one's race has gone up since 2009 because earlier adopters of internet dating were more likely to be nonconformists and more open to date people of different backgrounds. As the masses have all joined the internet dating trend, the real conservative preference in the population is

I get where you are coming from, but you don't have the right to dictate the parameters of other people's feminism.

I used to subscribe because I was in a lighting class for photography, so I would routinely just look at the ads and rip them out for class to show which examples I liked.

very orphan. such warbucks. wow.

The poster for the new Annie film was released today and with a head full of red curls, Quvenzhané Wallis looks like the adorable, scene-stealing ham that we all love. You can watch the trailer for the film here.

I have a friend from Highschool who goes to his church. She was indoctrinated in highschool and had a shitty life and father issues. She believed alot in a sort of knight in shining armor and would get lost in the idea of love. She often lost herself to boyfriends. She strongly believed that if she was the right

they're all p handsome now tbh

No, this is a home for a penis.

but taylor hanson of hanson wears necklaces and i wanna believe i can trust him

Equity? Lol, what you have my friend is a timeshare, everyone knows that all they do is cost money, and you'll never be able to use it the weekend you wanted to.

I said this once, and I will say it again: