
That woman ruined that child’s life and his ability to have health, appropriate relationships. My blood boils when I hear about teachers doing this because we put so much faith in them and trust them to keep our kids safe

THANK YOU. Her Hepburn was sloppy, both performance and look, her Evita makeup was fugly and her commercial was boring. 

Shitty Pie’s ad was so. much. worse than Jan’s, imagine the headache that could’ve been avoided if she had been rightfully eliminated for it.

Granted, it’s a tough show to evaluate on an episode by episode basis, but Zack doesn’t seem to be interested in the show they’re making and is instead fixated on a completely different show that he’d like it to be.
They’ve been dropping breadcrumbs all season that this “perfect” picture of humanity is fallible and

Isn’t this the first time we’ve seen Ed Harris and Jimmi Simpson together in the same scene?

Charlotte sent him there *in order to find out where "there" was*.

Bingo on the tracker. Charlotte injected him with it before the orderlies took him away in “Exiles” and it’s how she found his exact location so easily.

The “unknown protein” is presumably the tracker in WIlliam’s blood that Charlotte mentions later when his face pops up on her screen.

I keep wondering do all Dolores have the encryption keys or only Prime? After all Serac wants Hale intact but if all of them have it his Connells pearl should be enough. Maybe Serac wants to go through all of them to make sure he gets the right one.

I guess I like this much better than Zack as I was missing the whole host culture. And tonight we had them at their peak Machiavellian programs. Maybe it was all smoke and mirrors but can we at least talk about how cool they were?

Would be nice to talk about the show without shitting all over it (albeit with prose that is showy and is all over the place itself) and taking pot shots without any real examples rather than focus on plot developments and where this is all going or may be going.

Maaaaaaaybe it’s just the editing or observer’s bias, but I’m honestly not super impressed with S-.

Jackie’s smart, nerdy,  and funny, but she just keeps giving off bridesmaid vibes that I just can’t shake. She’s the Velma to Gigi’s Daphne.

I think I liked it a lot more than the review. But I’m a huge fan of cyberpunk fiction and this whole subplot of a world-controlling computer run by a shadowy company that thinks (or at least rationalizes) that it is for the greater good and a revolution against it really is exactly the stuff I like. Although there’s

“Lets tear this place apart.”

Or that. Good example.  THE PTAS DISBANDED AAAAAAA

A lot of Brazilians, especially lately, would prefer Vincent Cassel over Bolsonaro. 

This. I can also see why William was so addicted to Westworld and didn’t want to leave and invested heavily in it. Hanging out in Westworld to do what he wanted and live out true freedom instead of being stuck in the real world and forced to be a boring corporate executive because Serac says so. It even makes sense

All those years of living in Brazil made Cassel speak incredibly good Portuguese. Way better than the guy playing the Brazilian President.

People started breaking windows and tipping over planters (HORROR of horrors) within like 5 minutes of getting that email.