
Shout is the WORST Beatles book. The author is a Lennon fan boy and the book is badly outdated and inaccurate.

Bowie just re-released a set of 5 albums that have been released multiple times already. Dylan keeps releasing hugely expensive collections of him essentially practicing. When do we say "enough's enough" Bowie, or Dylan, or Stones, or Elvis? But why do we ever have to say "enough's enough"? No one's required to

But that isn't why John didn't participate in the Concert for Bangladesh. He didn't participate in it because George refused to allow Yoko to come on stage. So John refused to do the show. This 1980 explanation was his after-the-fact PR spin.

"John Lennon was a man who loved a handful of things very deeply, like writing dark songs that directly contrasted the whimsical delight of Paul McCartney …"

Stu's sister has since retracted that accusation. There are no witnesses corroborating the John "kicked Stu in the head." It's just a conclusion that Stu's sister leaped to in order to drive up sales to her book. She wasn't even there when it happened.

But it's not the original tracks that are being sold here as dance hits. It's remixes. The remixers do all the work, and she gets to brag about her "hits."

But she didn't do the work on any of them. Remixers did all the actual work on those dance tracks. Yoko just took the credit.

It's amazing how Yoko — thanks to her money from the Lennon estate — pays all of these indie artists to rework her music into something listenable and then SHE takes the credit for it, even though she has nothing to do with any of the remixes. She's certainly a marketing genius.

Right. Because every performer should be evaluated based on one bad night.

Pity your hearing is gone.

He has written quite a few legitimately great and many good songs in his late career. Just because they weren't "hits" doesn't mean anything.

He's my favorite Beatle. But he makes that tough sometimes.

Paul has always been cool because of his very uncoolness. Who else but Paul McCartney would choose the one time when pot is moving toward legalization and wider public acceptance to announce that he's quit smoking dope to "set an an example" for his kids?

You'll never win this battle Martha. Paul said some silly things and people always like to gang up on him.

I assume he goes to the gym to work out. And the yoga/head stand is part of his routine. Just a wild guess, tho.

I'm happy to be delusional then. Wings made 1 great pop album (Band on the Run), one great ramshackle pre-indie album (Wild Life) and a couple of good but not great albums (Venus and Mars and Red Rose Speedway) and a whole bunch of great singles.

Fair enough. I just like the track all around.

Yes, I agree on the mic not working. But you had said his guitar wasn't "turned on" and it clearly was. I assume the bass and electric guitar were there to try and get the sound of the record as much as possible.

Of course Paul's guitar was turned on. They needed 3 guitars to compete with the rather loud vocals that would have drowned out one acoustic guitar. Why would you assume that the 2 other guitars meant Paul wasn't playing at all? Not sure I follow that reasoning.

How was Paul "a prop" if he was playing the only instrument in the piece? I thought the performance was excellent and it's a great song about the urge to rebel and let loose.