Best guess?
Best guess?
Not the point, the police feel that they have been wronged. We all know that Blue Lives and apparently Blue Time matters so someone must pay the price for taking them away from their duties to harass and intimidate black citizens and disrupt birthday parties. I mean won’t someone think of the police’s feelings in this…
This is probably the best take. Regardless of whether he actually lied or not, this clearly isn’t a matter of life and death. This doesn’t need to be treated like the crime drama of the century. Chicago has bigger fish to fry.
When I was 21, I was applying for financial aid for college and when I asked my father for information about his finance’s his response was ‘That has nothing to do with you, your mother’s finances are all that should matter, I won’t give you that information.’ He basically cost me financial aide because he wouldn’t…
I really do think I would have less sympathy if she hadn’t expressed before this all came out that she didn’t want to go to college in the first place. But it seems she was pushed into it by overbearing parents and is now suffering the loss of the career she actually wanted. Privilege or not, that sucks on a human…
disagree. college degree gives her more ‘credibility’ in a rather vacuous way
Yeah, as a fellow Old, my position is pretty similar, if proceeding from a slightly different place.
Yeah, but considering her age and lack of hard knocks life experience, she could have “known” and been like, “Whatever Mom and Dad!” *posts something to Instagram*.
“He also noted that school employees could be held responsible if they deviated from standard procedure laid out by the school.”
Thank you dearest Raniya for sharing your precious time with us
You shall surely remain in our mind’s heart for all eternity
Any animated film without racist crows is probably better. Grave of the Fireflies, Akira, Finding Nemo, Fantasia, How to Train Your Dragon, Nausicaa, and so forth. Dumbo didn’t need to be remade because it was so inessential imo.
That close out on the third three was really something
Harden’s got 2456 points this season.
If you look real close, after that second three, you can actually see Rudy Gay let the controller fall to the floor and go walk around the house for a bit
Regrettably, he’s the MVP.
In fairness...killing off Mystique is WAY less silly than killing off Cyke in a *Dark Phoenix* movie.
The Internet will never forget.
The only reason I can think of that DTW ranks “low” is that this list takes travel time to the airport into account. DTW is way out in the exurbs and has almost no public transit options (which, I mean, Metro Detroit has the bare minimum of public transit, so...)
Yeah, no one opts to fly out of DFW, that’s why it’s the fourth busiest airport in the country. That must explain why the security is so quick. American Airline’s failures don’t make the airport itself bad.
How was this posted at 9:47?