
I saw it as more of a marker of Cersei's power and influence - she could easily order all of her female servants to cut their hair, or perhaps more subtly plant and reinforce the idea. Imitating styles of powerful women has already been established on the show (Sansa was notorious for it).

Nah, just British.

What I mean is that it looked like she was down there in the current timeframe (uninjured Dolores in pants). Maybe her memory being screwy?

The greeter bot turned park host (she kills Teddy this episode).

1) that heartbreaking little "William" she says just before the church door opens and it's the MIB.

Once again, I'm forced to ask myself (as I used to on a weekly basis) - HOW THE FUCK IS MICKEY DOYLE STILL ALIVE

Remus would like to point out that the quote is, "Time is a flat circle." Remus is a stickler for accuracy.

No, she was blinded as punishment for going rogue.

Better to take them off while he's still jerking around than wait for the inevitable shit and piss to befoul those boots in his death throes.

House Frey are basically the upstart trailer trash of Westeros. Walder's got so many rugrats running around, most of them aren't going to be properly clothed.



just wanted to let you know that I understood that reference

Depends on if Arya still blames Sansa for their father's death.


Roose brought her home post-Red Wedding. Walder Frey offered him any daughter for a wife, plus her weight in silver. So he picked the fattest one.

Walda didn't raise him. She was Roose's fairly new wife. Ramsay was just a bastard.

Gordon going HAM on that rescue mission was one of my favorite things ever in that show. Really redeemed himself there.

Pete = Porchdick

"Dick Grimes"