That’s exactly it. Which is why we can’t tolerate any 2018 congressional candidate who is not vocally in favor of immediate impeachment and conviction.
That’s exactly it. Which is why we can’t tolerate any 2018 congressional candidate who is not vocally in favor of immediate impeachment and conviction.
Wait I kept being told that 45 was great for LGBTQ?
I don’t think they give much thought to other people in general.
It was only a matter of time. I’m surprised it even took this long for the LGBT community to appear in Trump’s crosshairs, since we all know Pence has been furiously masturbating at this prospect.
A number of Trump supporters (probably the type who voted strictly for their tax bracket being lowered) have been pinkwashing Trump with “he’s never said anything anti-LGBT”(as if that absolved every other group he’s attacked directly) - while anyone with eyes and ears watched him chauffeur in Mike Pence and Betsy…
Just shows, donate to groups beyond just the ACLU and immigrant rights orgs! The National Center for Transgender Equality and the Transgender Law Center are going to need a lot of support in this Pence and Bannon-led nightmare world.
The Trump administration—not a big fan of injunctions lately or being told what to do, period—is also obviously fine…
I didn’t think you meant it that it was baffling because it was a woman. I don’t necessarily think she screams Sessions either (though I’m not sure who does on the cast) but I think you might just see them stretching to have women play the men in Trump’s circle because they know how much it irks him.
He is bitching on Twitter about Mark Cuban and how he is not smart enough to be president LOL
That’s not death that’s Steve Bannon:
And you just KNOW that there’ll be all sorts of legal shields and legislation passed, WHEN the pipe spills and ruins the water source, so that the people relying on it get hosed, and the people profiting from it get protected.
Only if your skin is a pale enough hue. If we saw an uptick in black/latin/arab/native gun ownership, and there wasn’t an equivalent uptick (or god forbid, a reduction) in white gun ownership, you can bet your house (assuming the SecTreasury hasn’t foreclosed on it) there’d be significant gun reform.
This is subsection 12 of the Fuck Tha Police doctrine.
We truly do live in the Golden Age of Enwhitenment.
In the past five years alone, the number of Native Americans incarcerated in federal prisons has increased by 27%. In South Dakota, the state with the fourth highest percentage of Native American residents, Native Americans compose 60% of the federal caseload, but only 8.5% of the total population.Apr 27, 2015
Considering Veterans groups are pledging to help (not enough, never enough) they might want to think really hard about the backlash shooting a vet might cause. Even the lily white Deplorables might have a problem with that. And of course those Normals among us that feel shooting peaceful protesters (or any of the…
That’s not terrorism, that’s peaceful armed protest. You can tell because they’re white. I know, I know, *waves hand dismissively* it’s a subtle distinction, but there you have it.
I am a freaking Austrian citizen and I can see the Pinocchio noses of those talking about protesters causing “soil erosion” from across the freaking big pond, and more clearly than Sarah Palin ever saw Russia from her back porch.
And they just sit back and watch when Bundy’s white folks terrorize.
Perhaps they should conduct an internal investigation to determine the identity of the renegade agents that sabotaged a Presidential election instead of harassing peaceful protestors. Or, they could investigate the neo-Nazi, right-wing groups that are sending bomb threats to Jewish community centers, synagogues and…