She was loaded onto a school bus and held for seven hours with other women, “stripped down to our long johns,” in metal cages in a Morton County jail parking garage
She was loaded onto a school bus and held for seven hours with other women, “stripped down to our long johns,” in metal cages in a Morton County jail parking garage
Yea, I have tons of respect for those Yemeni bodega owners; you know they work on really narrow profit margins, and closing down for 8 hours was a big sacrifice for a lot of them.
ALSO: remember the moratorium on EVER fucking a republican. You won’t respect yourself afterwards, and they won’t respect you, period.
Don’t read the comments on fb.
The group behind the Women’s March on Washington has announced a nationwide event to follow the historically…
Basically, a Jean-Ralphio who is in charged of our nuclear codes.
Every word of that article is straight up amazing. Donald Trump is trapped in a Being There remake of his own making.
Unfortunately, there is a fairly good chance that the EO withstands legal challenges, or at least, that significant portions of it do, such as the ban on refugees and the ban on nonimmigrants. There is over a century of authority saying that the President has near-unlimited authority to determine who can and cannot…
“You just hold that light high enough for me to see where to swing this sword sugar.” now I want a road movie of Justice and Liberty roaming the country and righting wrongs.
It’ll end up at the Supreme Court which is one of many many many reasons that the Democrats need to treat the Republicans to their own medicine and permanently block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
I am sure Shadow-President Bannon is working very hard in the alt-oval office to find other ways to oppress brown people
Ok can some one who’s a little more knowledgeable about the subject than I am answer a question for me: with all the legal challenges *already* posed against the ban, and the many more certainly to follow if it’s reinstated, is there any chance Trumplethinskin’s EO stands? Like, in a continuously enforceable way? I SO…
It’s our last hope, no? To see the American institutions which are supposed to be checks and balances actually doing their job.
/Dismissive, wanking motion.
Oh, Tomato Face. You old fruit/vegetable troll, you.
It’s awesome that someone who seems to have no respect for or basic understanding of the legal system gets to pick judges.
Can’t wait for tweets about “illegal immigrant judges paid by Soros”.
Donald Trump’s travel ban on seven predominantly Muslim countries is still unenforceable, at least for now.