bellaluna, STILL waiting on the ELE

Whats even more bizarre about this is that Fredrick Douglass is one of like, 6 black people who you learn about in public school (along with Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, MLK, Chrispus Attucks and Dred Scott). Most 8th graders could probably tell you that Douglass isnt exactly a contemporary figure.

“Frederick Dougie Fresh, a terrific guy. One of the best.”

Frederick Douglass died in 1895.

I say this every day. And Trump’s presidency is less than 2 weeks old.

I wonder if there is a clip out there somewhere where a dog recoils, growls and tries to bite him for reaching out to pet him. Dogs and children can sense evil after all.

No, he’ll watch it, bring up a specific reference to what he watched, then lie and say he doesn’t watch it cause they say “not nice things about him and treat him unfairly, okay.”

Both these guys can go fuck themselves. I’m so tired of Bernie Sanders remaining at the forefront and everybody making believe he played no role in getting us to where we are today.

Honestly? Yes.

I will never let this gif go as long as Ted Cruz is alive/in politics.

On the bright side: maybe Samantha Bee will start ragging on him again. I still think of him as The Junior Senator from the Uncanny Valley,thanks to her, to the point where I couldnt actually remember what fucking state he was from. (Texas, obviously)

That’s a whole lot of unwatchable right there. Fuck both of ‘em.

Sure, he can try and parse the whole “this kind”, but they’re doing EXACTLY what they did last year,

Take care of yourself and your family/ friends. It sounds bleak, but people who are only concerned with ramming through their own personal agenda don’t give a shit about your protests, your calls, or your outrage. They care about keeping their jobs, and that means toeing the line until it’s convenient not to.

Well, I guess that’s it then:

God dammit. Hypocrites.

Fuck Orin Hatch. Fuck him right in the ear. Motherfucker has been obstructing for 40 fucking years. He’s a raving hypocrite. Maybe this is the beginning of the dissolution of this country, and maybe the beginning of us splitting apart and self-selecting where to live and how to govern. Who the fuck needs the right

Not saying it’s a coup....(but it’s a coup)