bellaluna, STILL waiting on the ELE

Um... it looks like it was stolen direct.

Wait, wait, wait- so this is neither a pic from the 20th or 21st of this year, but basically a stock photo of the 2013 Obama inaugeration stolen from a closed business??? I don’t understand how people can be this incompetent.

I think it’s an actual inauguration photo but they mislabeled it with the wrong date and then he didn’t notice before tweeting (like everything else). If that had been the women’s march you would see A. more people and B. a SHIT load of pink from the pussy hats.

It’s like how people frame their first dollar bill so they can remember where they came from. Except in this case, he’s framing his first lie as the president, so we can all remember how the end began.

I also can’t quite get over the fact that it isn’t a very good photo. Like, it’s not bad, but if I’m going to pick out a photo to hang in the White House, it isn’t going to be that one.

Exactly how thin-skinned is America’s president?

If so, perhaps Abbas is the left-wing troll that will lead us all.

Politico also notes that the date listed on the print was not the day of the inauguration, but was in fact the date of the Women’s March.

I just have this saved in my phone now.

If he weren’t the P*OTUS this would be hysterically funny.

i’m starting to feel as though we have nothing in common with our newly elected mandarin husk.

That is all

God, I so hope that the date mix-up was intentional.

Yet 14-year-old girls handle it with more dignity every damned day.

It must be exhausting to be so easily offended. The amount of time and effort he puts into being petty is almost impressive.

So very sad.

Ahhh, but the feeling you get when you realize you didn’t raise a psychopath is truly amazing!

I’m never having kids.