bellaluna, STILL waiting on the ELE

Yes, Betsy would be one of those parents. My daughter, who is a high school teacher, spent the first 9 years of her teaching career in a very upper-middle class, white, wealthy district. She shit she got from entitled parents and kids was mind-boggling. For the past 3 years, she’s been teaching at an inner-city school

She needs future generations to grow up brainwashed enough to allow her and people like her to maintain wealth and power. Being genuinely educated means you will probably believe in climate change, women’s access to birth control, vaccinations, and limits to corporate power (ie the godless, evil liberal agenda).

We have a yuge entitlement problem in education right now. NCLB and charters ruined functioning schools in areas of poverty, and widened gap of service. Public schools pulled their weight, even with massive cuts in funding, but the vilification of schools in poverty areas has done irreparable damage.

I’m sick of turning on the news and hearing about all these bear attacks on schools.

Don’t let the cuteness fool you! It’s a lure!

I know schoolteachers in MI who are absolutely aghast at the thought of her taking this position. She’s spent years decimating the Detroit public schools by diverting public funds to her own profit-making poorly performing religious charter schools, then using her money to block legislation aimed to shape up those

Betsy DeVos reminds me of all the terrible parents my public school teacher father has told me horror stories about. Over his career, he’s experienced parents who have yelled at him, patronized him, asked him how much his salary is, tried to bribe him to give their kids extra time on tests or better grades, people who

If I play along with the sentience of feti, I have to imagine they’d want to be born into a world where they have resources and rights. If the idea is that unborn woman=eventual future adult woman, well that adult woman will probably want to control her own uterus too!

Exactly. I’m pretty sure I could never have an abortion myself. But that’s got fuck-all to do with what anyone else wants to do.

I’m going to start demanding that we grant the Martian colony statehood and full voting rights in Congress. I know it’s only a hypothetical colony at this point, but pre-colony rights are important, too.

It’s fucking ridiculous to include people who are FOR what we are marching AGAINST.

I care more for living breathing women and girls and protecting their rights to their bodies and their futures. Look, if someone is personally against abortion for themselves, fine. But don’t take away the rights of other women and girls. The issue is taking away abortion rights is often coupled with taking away

The abortion rate is currently at its lowest point since Roe v Wade passed. Because we had Planned Parenthood and access for free birth control.

The irony of their presence is another one for the record books.


(yes I went with pooheads)

“The goal, she said, was improved rights for women, even the ones who don’t yet exist. “Unborn women are underrepresented,” she explained. “And people should represent them.”

They say they feel left out from a march with a feminist platform, but I bet they wouldn’t want Catholics for Choice co-sponsoring March for Life...

They were there to reclaim feminism for the anti-abortion movement, to use the language of feminism, but to recenter on “pre-born” women and the abortion industry. “We’re marching for the pre-born,” Lori told Jezebel. Both of them were unhappy about the unapologetically pro-choice stance of the Women’s March.

The moment I recall most vividly from the inauguration coverage, which I watched in bits and pieces, was after Trump’s speech, when one of the (NBC, I think) announcers said something like, “And we saw Barack Obama listening to the speech... he appeared at times to be biting his lip!”

That speech as made in Hollywood.

The whole speech is one of the most jingoistic piece of shit I’ve heard in recent history.