So, you can be trusted to do all those things, but not have ownership of your own bodies?
So, you can be trusted to do all those things, but not have ownership of your own bodies?
Because they CAN. Next question?
Ooooooh, that reminds me, I owe her a throat punch!
Christmas dinner with the in-laws was...interesting. The actual meal was tame, but I had a free-for-all instead of dessert.
We are talking about the same guy who signs Executive Orders written by others without reading them, correct? The guy who decided on a raid in another country based on a dinner conversation and not briefings nor sit reps from those in the know, yes?
In large part because of some barely-concealed misogynists and racists.
They’ve been having meetings in the dark, because nobody can figure out how to turn on the lights! If that’s not a powerful metaphor for his administration, I don’t know what is.
I am the lone bastion of sanity in my family (including the in-laws), and while my own PARENTS know not to discuss this topic with me, my MIL said to me earlier this week “It won’t be THAT bad.” At which point I laughed long and loud and replied “It ALREADY is!”
Ooooooh, could he be exhiled to Palmyra? Or Guantanamo?
You may yet get your chance.
Right? There just isn’t a “duh” big enough to hand these people.
They will re-dub the wall The Monument to Our Stupidity. (Or our new Alien Overlords can call it The Deciding Factor of Your Demise. Whichever.)
Have you read this?
I read it similarly, but my first thought was “So he appointed a dead Dick?”
Many of the people actually living near the border in Texas DON’T support a border wall. But their sensibility ends there.
Oh, yes they do! To hear the GOP tell it, weed is green Devil’s dandruff, and it’s federally classified in the same category as heroin! (Gotta pay for that 40-year-long War on Drugs somehow, right? And the “law and order” party has to have an excuse to keep all those people on the government payroll! Besides, it’s so…
I know. I am so. tired. of saying “THESE fucking assholes!” 100 times a day. I really need to work on my repertoire.
I’m just going to leave this right here: