bellaluna, STILL waiting on the ELE

If it’s not encased in a waterproof, mite-proof, hypoallergenic cover, then YES! You wash that/those pillows! Or throw them away and buy new ones.

NO. You take off your shoes at my door, or you don’t come in beyond the entry.

Yes! And thank you.

And not in the good way. Thank Everything my “host uterus” is on its way out!

And Canada may be joining the effort, last I read.

Retroactive Birth Control Posterchild is ALWAYS the way to go with them, Sparky. ALWAYS.

I would say “Fuck the GOP,” but as my motto is Never Fuck a Republican, may I just say “DON’T fuck a Republican to death by blueballs!”?

It’s also convenient, in that we live near a “long dormant” volcano.

“The folks at the table, in almost all cases, have been great supporters...”

That’s the tell-tale sign of both his soul AND his spine leaving his body.

Seriously, do the Dems now start filing lawsuits because we are no longer a functioning democracy on a NATIONAL LEVEL instead of just in some states?

Where’s that memo from that GOP prickface about how it’s the GOPs job, first and foremost, to block EVERY. SINGLE. THING. Obama and the Dems* attempt to do?!?!?

Well, it should be required reading for any Dem still in office!

Exactly. Let’s redefine “pay to play” for him!

I cried yesterday (for the first time in a long time) when I read about the protesters organising a protective, respectful circle around the Muslims and handing over their signs for evening prayer.

I will also be your friend. Let us celebrate joy where we find it!

Finally, 2017 brings us some HAPPY NEWS! (Along with ALL the good news of the Women’s March and the immigration-related protests, natch.)

They just use the economy as an excuse to get rid of whatever they don’t like. It’s transparent and lazy, but that’s their SOP.

Well, this is just delightful! Guess this Reagan-era mess is how he’s going to MAGA.

And we were left in the dark about his decline.