bellaluna, STILL waiting on the ELE

Though it sounds contradictory to my current comments (I’ve been in the wine), I would never, ever stop advocating for women, LGBTQ, immigrants*, the fact that that pipeline will be a disaster, and it’s absolutely disgusting that Flint STILL doesn’t have acceptable drinking water. (Not “safe” mind you, but

Like, when Texas threatens secession, we’re supposed to get all butthurt, but when California (a state that could actually AFFORD to seceed!) proposes it, we’re SELFISH!

I offer you Sanctuary. It’s by no means luxurious, but (I imagine) it’s better than being there.

Works for me. Whatever it takes to not live in the backwoods cesspool the rest of the US seems determined to perpetuate.

No. That’s the whole point. I AM home in California, because that’s where I’m born and bred! Your backwoods, cousin-porking, source-of-pride slave-owning, confederate-flag-flying, booger-eating, clinging-to-the-days-it-was-a-source-of-pride-to-own-other-HUMAN-BEINGS ancestors are YOUR PROBLEM.

GORGEOUS! Just chillin in the bed! I love the paws! I say the amber one has “big bear paws”.

Tough shit. I’m tired of being Captain Save-a-Ho to the rest of the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing country. It’s not MY job to drag you kicking and screaming into the 20th century.

What I keep coming back to is: NONE OF THESE AREAS ARE WHERE HE HAS BUSINESS TIES!!! So please, tell me again how his company’s business ties DON’T MATTER and there is NO CONFLICT of INTEREST in the WHITE HOUSE.

And when more people join ISIS/ISIL DIRECTLY BECAUSE OF THIS, I don’t want to hear ONE FUCKING WORD.

Really trying to decode “brains behind the war” here. So much to unpack.

I wish I shared their sweet oblivion.

Judging by an article I read (can’t find it right now), these executive orders have not been well-researched by the people who have expertise in these matters and these orders may very well may be illegal. I’m holding out hope.

I call them Retroactive Birth Control Posterchildren. But to each her own.

Ooh, ooh, I know! Not a vadge in sight!

As long as we can keep what’s ours and offer Sanctuary to others, I’m for it.

For which he applied for special permits to build seawalls, due to... GLOBAL WARMING, which he now denies exists!

Or his father barfing on the Japanese PM at a State Dinner?

“We will no longer be the country that doesn’t know what it’s doing”...NOPE! You’re illustrating that EVERY. DAMN. DAY. We are currently the country that doesn’t know what it’s doing.

But surely, there has to be some line in the sand, some level of psychosis they are, at minimum, familiar with and say “WHOA. Too far! To dang far!”

I’ll be needing streaming info or I’m going to have to sit this one out. :(