bellaluna, STILL waiting on the ELE

That doesn’t make it any less convenient, or traumatic for school aged children.

Because you are a NORMAL person who is rational and considers how all of those things will effect your employees and their families.

I have to wonder, do they not realise how ridiculous they sound? Like, they want to take away our healthcare and build a wall (that they now want US to pay for!) and defund Planned Parenthood and deny women bodily autonomy and SO many other draconian things, but they’re hung up on who’s using which potty.

It’s really difficult to be a person with an operable brain right now, because we have seen the signs for a long time, and our internal warning bells have been going off. It’s been a stressful 18 months.

I read there will also be pro-weed folks handing out free joints to people at the inauguration “festivities.”

They’d damn well better! If shutting down the government is what it takes to protect us, they had better GOP up and do it! Look where playing nice has gotten us!

And, of course, the Republicans are bitching about it, saying it’s unnecessary.

I read yesterday that Jerry Brown has hired an outside attorney for an initial three month period to assist California in maintaining our commitment to diversity and the global warming agenda and basically fighting anything else the GOP may attempt to undermine our great state, so take heart.

I should have read yours before replying above.

To me, he’s unnaturally smooth. Like a mannequin with serial killer eyes and a variety of wigs and face merkins.

Because they CAN’T. There is nothing they can say, no reasoning they can articulate. There is no “there” there!

He is such a dick! Too bad no one can force these anti-choicers into pregnancy and a lifetime of indentured servitude to children they neither chose nor could afford.

And that the funding PP does receive from the Feds DOESN’T GO TOWARDS PROVIDING ABORTIONS?!?

And he’s a colossal dick, too.

Vox has a very interesting article about how racism and sexism got Trumplestiltskin elected, not the financially challenged.

Yes, because they don’t believe the science that dictates the tests we have at 20 weeks to determine whether or not our fetus has any of those catastrophic genetic markers that lead to those medical decisions.

Their eagerness to legislate the beaver should deny them access to it until such time as they stop trying!

This is the kind of stuff we need to know, especially now. Thanks for the info.

I have a friend who lives in Indio. I feel bad for her every year at Coachella time. (It’s not her thing.)

While tripping through the political minefield with my in-laws after Christmas dinner (big mistake, I know, but HE brought it up!), I replied to one of them “That’s your White Male Privilege!” At which time I was verbally attacked by three junkyard dogs (them), yelling that there was no such thing as White Male