“We need to launch plus as a separate brand with new fits, new models and new fabrics to ensure that the styles fit and look great.
“We need to launch plus as a separate brand with new fits, new models and new fabrics to ensure that the styles fit and look great.
No way. Being Queen is actually a lot of work. Work I would hate (state dinners, lots of shaking hands, lots of tours, never being allowed to state your opinion.)
Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.
If that power goes to an IKEA factory, that’s Swedish power cubed!
Being Canadian, the Code 45* team is sometimes confused by the nuances of your American political system. However, we are aware of the rather mysterious practice known as “midterm elections”, and we know the next of them will go down in November 2018. We are also aware that this will involve contests for all the seats…
I like to pretend that this is the Scourging of the Shire. On December 31, Donald Trump and Steve Bannon will attempt to leave the country together, but Bannon end up cutting Trump’s throat and the press corps will then shoot him full of arrows. Then we’ll all go home and have second breakfast, at least until Barack…
Please don’t leave out the Library of Congress. I know some of their film restoration team and the work they can do on film and audio is astonishing.
Living, as I do, in a one-bedroom apartment, I long someday for more walls and doors. Partially for privacy, and partially because it is nice to put art and furniture up against walls. Yes, you can let your furniture “float” in a large space, but you need more square footage to float your furniture without it looking…
Oooooooh my god these people with their essential oils... I have a business making organic soaps and bath/shower goodies, and plastic-free personal care goods... I buy eo’s in bulk, eo soap is my bread and butter. I handle a lot of it.
So, I sell LuLaRoe. I liked one of the dresses (the Julia is my jam and I wear it often), tops, and one of the skirts and thought I could be successful at it.
How can my heart break and grow all at once?!
I’d really like to see this. Yes, some folks will complain about the potential for ads, but we see ads everywhere. There are benefits to the movie-going experience, and also it can have an impact on movie-making.
Hearing and reading these stories makes me cold and tense and blank all at once.
Same- I have two olders and one 11 year old and am now weepy when I watch toddlers play. It reminds me of when one of my kids (at 3) was so blissed out that I let him have a churro that he hugged the stranger lady next to him. I was apologising to the woman, who was wearing a suit etc, as my kid dug his little sugary…
This is really not safe for work!!!!!!
Only after I assemble and put on my flower crown. I mean, I’m not a monster.
My Pop, the green thumb, used to get really excited when the postman delivered the Burpee catalog each spring. It was like PMOTY and the Sears Christmas catalog rolled up into one.
An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer: