
I sometimes hold them up with both hands while watching television if it’s hot and I don’t want a bra on. It’s weirdly comforting as well as comfortable!

Ugh, for reals though! I have seen way too many (white) German dudes talk about “protecting our women” online since the New Year’s Eve incidence, and it always gives me a rage-stroke. I do NOT belong to you, gross German dude who never cared about women’s rights before and usually rolls his eyes at “those feminists”

And yet our racists and xenophobes aren’t happy with this legislation. Beatrix von Storch, member of AFD* and (I shit you not) granddaughter of Hitler’s Minister of Finance, tweeted that husbands now need to listen very carefully during sex, because a simple no can now turn those poor men into rapists.

Thank god, Though it is really gross that this grew out of a fear of foreign refugees. Why is it that we are only protected when nativism comes into play? Still at least now there is something on the books to protect women

People who “save” themselves for marriage are like people who haven’t watched the Wire.

Oh, look, more evidence of Amber’s abuse people won’t admit as legit because they think Gone Girl is the most common scenario in society, instead of an entitled angry addict becoming violent towards a woman. Now it makes sense why she was carrying her laptop while leaving her lawyer’s office. Wonder who will get the

Yes, I believe that’s generally thought to be true. But much of our medical and psychological professionals also find once an addict always an addict. But we don’t arrest and punish them unless they harm someone. They are, to my understanding, rarely able to make the attraction cease, but, with support and counseling

Honestly, I think the proverbial jury is still out. Some are probably born with bad wiring. Others, the majority in fact, were molested and/or abused themselves as children. So, probably a combination of nature/nurture is my understanding of the current thinking. The important thing is that pedophilia - sexual

You’re painting with a pretty broad brush there. There are certainly a small subset of entitled, evil people out there, but I do not believe there is a huge push from they pedophile community for decriminalization of child molestation. I’ve read multiple articles from journalists and in the mental health community

But you know as well as I do that when people disregard “race, sex, or any other consideration” they hire white men. That’s what that language means. That’s what you’ve absorbed, whether you want to admit it or not. That’s how you fully justify all white male cabinets, boards, workplaces. That’s how you justify sexism

Today has proved once again that women are funnier than men.

“You clown each other, make fun of each other. Hate each other, hold each other back.”

Any man in only a shirt is awful.

Yes. It would be nice if people maybe watched the film (or read the source material) before writing about it.

Thank you for your informedand informative comment on this. Absurdism and comedy can be vehicles for very serious messages. The way you describe this movie makes a lot of sense.

Hell, we had a woman here in the PW who got all butthurt at her kid going on a field trip to the Japanese internment camps and tried to start up a campaign to show “the other side of the issue.”

I think that a lot of the outrage here may be from the fact, as I believe someone else said, that the English subtitles for that clip are just really terrible.

I haven’t seen the movie yet or possibly never. But a friend of mine went and watched it and said she also got more the vibe of a warning from it.

No, it’s correct. This is actually a fairly frequently expressed perspective in understanding responsibility for the Holocaust. Think of it this way: if someone is a monster, he can’t help but behave in a monstrous way—scorpion and the frog and all that. A monster can only act like a monster. A human being, like

Exactly. Not only that - but arguably Germany is pretty much the only country I can think of, who has taken full responsibility for the atrocities they’ve committed. There’s no attempt to excuse it, there’s no revisionism, nothing - it’s illegal to deny the holocaust, and from an early age they’re taught about it in