
I’d liken it more to revenge porn than to sexual assault but yeah. A woman does something a man doesn’t like, then he circulates video depicting her in bed next to him with her breasts exposed. There’s nothing original, interesting, or transgressive about that.

Also mysogynist as fuck to have all the women be topless. I don’t know where Rihanna or Caitlyn stands on it, but there’s a very revenge porn-y vibe to using Amber and Taylor.

I would feel really, really uncomfortable if I were one of the celebrities whose naked wax body was included in that video. It just seems really presumptuous and entitled to think that you can feature the nude body of someone else in your video without their permission.

Kanye will never condemn a serial rapist. He didn't with Cosby and he refused to talk about Ian Connor. Kanye has serious serious issues with women. Having Rhianna next to Chris Brown is more proof of that.

It’s shitty and exploitative to make and display photorealistic topless images of women without their consent and even worse to go around telling people that they may be images of the actual woman.

I used to love Kanye’s music. He doesn’t deserve the hype anymore. I sincerely hope somebody sues his ass for using their likeness in his video without permission. He is really, truly beginning to sink into the “desperate has-been whose glory days are over so he will now say/do anything for your attention” territory.

I’m so weary of Kanye West. I know shock performance artists who are less up their own ass than he is. This is some tired shit.

It is mind blowing that people think this is a good thing. I am just sitting here stunned. The markets are reacting terribly, good luck with trade, Scotland is going to leave the UK for sure while Ireland made rumblings a few hours ago that they will explore their options as well. The whole thing is just jaw dropping.

I was laughing when some British politician on CNN was telling Christiane Amanpour that Britian had the 5th largest economy in the world so they will be just fine. He seemed very sure of himself and quite smug about it. Unfortunately for him, he’s going to get a very rude awakening when Britian starts losing jobs and

Yeah, people’s perspectives tend to change once you use misrepresentations to justify your supporters’ use of misogyny and threats and then refuse to concede after you’ve lost.

I hate when people keep parroting this blatantly false idea that voting for either party makes no difference. Things Republicans want but Democrats don’t:

Sit-Ins have a long and dignified history. Not childish at all.

trickle down “give no fucks” Obama!

John Lewis is a national fucking treasure.

It’s really selling itself.

not to be a complete jerk, but I honestly feel like this attitude is why we still have such a long way to go with how CSA is dealt with and why there are so, so, so, so many abusers who get away with is for decades and decades and have scores and scores of victims: because it is uncomfortable and upsetting and a lot

The men aren’t Taylor’s only dates that have stripped down to their underwear for us.

Has she ever dated someone who wasn’t gay?

Gurl, in at least one case, maybe two, you mean her SISTA in his underwear.

With Kloss?