
And he buckled to Tea Party bullshit, chose Sarah Palin for his VP. The madness of this election and his party’s open bigotry is largely on his shoulders.

Right!? Not only has this guy taken money from the NRA to keep their vile policies ahead of the safety and wishes of the people, but he has been in office way longer than President Obama had. He is, by far, the more guilty of the two.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ooooooooooooooooff.

This is her husbands statement

That would mean the MP was ...assassinated, right...?

This makes me so afraid for our awesome progressive female politicians. Good to know that male fragility and racism is a threat to even elected politicians.

I find myself having to actively try not to become cynical and jaded after seeing something like this happen every day.

And if anyone comes on saying that gun laws don’t work cos of this they can kindly go fuck themselves.

If the reports are true, that it was her ex, (but really, does it matter), it just one more reason why I’m utterly ashamed of my gender, utterly ashamed to be a man, to be a part of a social identity that thinks it has the privilege to exercise the right of self determination, indeed of life, over women. Just

If only more parents were having that conversation with their sons.

Fun living in a country flooded with guns because insecure boys like deadly toys.

Just no words. Fuckin men and their hatred of women and their stupid fucking everything. Dear men, goddammit, just stop. Fucking stop it. Sincerely, a man who just don’t get it.

I will never understand why people hate Jennifer’s Body so much. I fucking LOVE that movie, forever and ever.

Colton was, as he himself admitted, such a complete mess of depression and anxiety about it that he withdrew from public life.

I love that Colton clapped back at this kid with a statement of his own, casually mentioning the 3-page story on EW about his coming out and wishing him luck in the end.

So I don’t know where else to share this, but this tweet, from the liberal filmmaker daughter of the Constitution Party candidate, may be one of the saddest things I’ve ever read, and also explains a lot about why the relative volume of Sanders’s supporters didn’t match up with the votes in the end.

It’s this generalization that can make AA dangerous. Many people abuse alcohol because they are simply self-medicating some trauma, anxiety disorder, other mental illness, etc. Someone drinking excessively to numb, say, PTSD, for example, really doesn’t need to be told that their real problem is that they are allergic

Personally I know a lot of trauma survivors in the rooms feel that AA does encourage a self blame culture because we are always told to acknowledge our side of the street and our part in every situation. There are some circumstances though, like rape or molestation or abuse (which many people in AA have been victims)

Are we allowed to be excited yet? I have a two year old daughter and this is just such a huge thing for her generation. She gets to grow up knowing you don’t have to be a white male to be president.

ONLY DIGITALLY PENETRATED?!?!?!?! First of all, that’s rape, honey. Secondly, that’s still rape, honey. Thirdly, she says she was penetrated by his dick.