
No, her mom killed her father after years of abuse.

Did you bother reading to the end where she flat out says she no longer cares what anyone thinks? To me, that's an enviable place to be. She seems happy, so why should she give a damn about whether other people deem her stylish or not?

I've got GG boymen replying to this and omg dismissing them feels so good. #misandry #censorship

When I was sexually assaulted as an eleven-year-old, I told my parents. I did the right thing, we went to the police. Even had a friend who was assaulted by the same person. The cops did nothing, no charges were filed, even though that friend was willing to back me up. So when I was raped when I was older, I didn't

"You've already been violated. It's just not worth it. It's too much humiliation."

There's just no way anyone can be devoted to anything even vaguely resembling Christ's message and think this is an acceptable way to behave. No way.

The Catholic Church, and I know I am not the first one to say this, should be prosecuted under the RICO law as it applies to organized crime. I gave Pope Francis the benefit of the doubt but if he is going to allow this under his watch, I'm officially done with any hope that this evil group of people are ever going to

hold me back

They all call out the products. The first and third clearly show the product in the video, and all of them list the product (if you click through to Instagram, where they were originally posted).

Am I the only one that doesn't see the issue with these videos?

I'm really into make up, follow a lot of make-up bloggers and make-up brands on instagram, and find these kinds of videos really helpful because you can actually see how well (or not well) a specific product applies and what the colour looks like on. I

While I agree that there are not tutorials, I wouldn't say they are fetish videos. They do serve a purpose. They are live swatch videos. You can see how the lip product applies and its color. So, people are learning things.

I just posted in the greys, but when Jax was my bartender at SUR, he told me that my eyes were like "chocolate diamonds". BARF-TASTIC, JAX! (Also, please get me out of the greys!)

I was (emphases on WAS) Facebook friends with someone I knew from college who was, apparently, an SAE. His post about this incident was so insanely disgusting and horrifying that I'm tempted to post it here, verbatim, and would if I wasn't so paranoid.

SUR is the backdrop for the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills spinoff, Vanderpump Rules, which follows a group of young people with various mental health issues and social skill deficits as they pretend to work in a restaurant.

To me, it is more of two actors who grew up reading about celebrities visiting sick kids in the hospitals and thinking that is the coolest thing ever. (Because, come on, as an actor this is the closest thing you can be to being like your heroic character.) And wanting to do that if they ever got a chance. Now suddenly

Because it was a chat with Facebook, and sometimes you have to know your audience.

considering she's been threatened ever since she started this - i'd say she's brave

I'm pretty sure the kids who got to meet Captain America do not give a shit about all of that.