
I'm confused as to how anyone was confused. Blue and black both times — one's just lighter.

Both pics are so obviously blue and black.

That's me. This dress is black and blue to me in both pictures. In the lighter one, it's just that - lighter.

They're not, though. They're Palestinian-American.

That's... generally what the most successful models look like.

The government is only part of the problem. Those calling for more action, calling for an inquiry, are sadly in the minority. Canadians will say things about First Nations people that the would never say about other visible minorities. It's Canada's great shame.

So true. 2 soldiers are killed and we have a law within months to curb our rights and "fight terror" but 2000 missing or murdered First Nations women and the government doesn't give a fuck. Harper can barely shrug about it, he cares so little.

Canada is fucking AWFUL to Natives. I swear, peopel harp on the States for being racist but jesus fucking christ, it's atrocious up here.

As Canadians, they should be especially aware of Canada's atrocious past—and present— relationship with the Aboriginal peoples

I graduated from Sweet Briar in 2010 and attending Sweet Briar was one of the best decisions I ever made. I am heartbroken that future generations of women will not be able to receive an education from that wonderful college. At Sweet Briar I learned to speak up for myself, how to be a leader, and what it is to be a

This is heartbreaking. Women's colleges are still so very relevant and necessary, and it makes me so sad every time I see one close, merge, or go co-ed.

I got out of the greys without an avatar before the last big overhaul of Gawker. Since then, I've had an avatar —plus comments that have had 100s of stars. This is a special occasion avatar, but I'm thinking of changing it:

They brought up the example of breast size as a retort and the woman in question wisely pointed out that breasts aren't meant to fit into something for stimulation, so that's apples and oranges.

Right, I think that's why scent-free is such a common policy in the region. And not just in restaurants, at a surprising variety of retail businesses, too. People move to the desert to escape allergies, and for a host of other health conditions as well, many of which have to do with breathing. The low humidity and

That sounds sketchy af, yo. I've never heard of a quality company demanding that sort of thing out of their customers, just awful ones. :/ I'd find a new doggy daycare.

Is this proof she's been acting this whole time?

When did thigh gap become some magical indicator of fitness? It has more to do with hip placement than anything else. With all other things being equal, a person with wider set hips is more likely to have a thigh gap than a person with more narrow hips.

also the 100 is fucking awesome. I was kinda thinking of compared to the CW of yesteryear I guess

I think not having comments on the site is a real plus for this very reason