
The more Kanye talks, the more he bitch-fies himself. Him saying that he wanted to date Kim and then settled for Amber Rose is what it is. But, enough with men who choose to be with a "certain type" of woman (their words or how they allude to it) and then dog her rep after the fact. Like dude...stfu with that

She wasn't groomed by her dad, but she was abused by her mother's next partner and raised with very few if any boundaries. That stuff gets hard-coded and it is really hard to establish boundaries when you aren't used to them - and even harder when you try by asking him to stop and he doesn't.

I think we like to think that everyone is an adult at some point and fully capable of making decisions, but it's just not true.

Just here to say I don't really understand why you're getting piled on, and I appreciate you sharing your perspective. There's really no "right" way to react to a piece like this, particularly if you are a victim of sexual abuse yourself. I think maybe some are reading your first post as being kind of dismissively

Jesus guys, can you not totally mock and chastise someone who is raped by their father and has a visceral response to this story? Just be happy you have the emotional distance` not to have that response.

You seem to have been snagged by the fact that there is no tone or inflection in writing like there is in speech. That sucks. Sorry dude.

Technically, I think most of the current research shows that the brain isn't fully developed (including decision making regions) until about 24 or 25.

so much of this comment is no

I think that a parent should always be held more accountable than a child, even with adult children. Parents are always in a position of authority, I think, and should be considered as such.

And parents have more power/status/respect in the parent-child dynamic.

Thanks for the opinion, but a 19 year old who is meeting her father for the first time after having no proper father figure in her life is not a any kind of grown woman. The father is in the position of power in that relationship, he took advantage, he abused. They were not on an even playing field.

Yeah... I mean, the part where he watches her be physically sick as a result of what they did together, blithely tells her she'll get over it, and then lets it happen again? No. Nonononononoo. Fuck this guy. It's unbelievable to me that there are people, nevermind people in her own family, that are prepared to heap

Nineteen year olds are still adolescents.

Ugh. These stories always end up pissing me off because inevitably someone blames the kid.

Well, damn.

Natasha, the courage it took to bare your soul like this is immeasurable. I hope and pray you continue to find some measure of peace. Bless you.

AS I said, the 4 series is ... not good.... but the fifth really turned it around. I seriously seriously loved Rudy so much, in the end. Sometimes they end well even after having tottered off.

I love "Skins" more than any 29 year-old American has any right to. I'd say 90% of my brother and I's conversations are thinly veiled "Skins" references. Seriously, the first 2 series are perfection.

I swear, it came around in the end. You fall in love with Rudy, I swear. 4 is a fucking slog but 5 was damned good. They did it justice, in the end.

It's all about Series 5. Cooooook