
Woman poses, picture is chosen for cover, woman is scrutinized instead of the publication.

So everyone, answer me this:

Did HANNAH DAVIS decide which photo ended up on the cover? Did she make that call? Or did she just, you know, show up, do her job, and then someone chose that photo?

Did HANNAH DAVIS think "Yeah, I think I'll pull my bathing suit down a little, that is an idea I am having personally" or was

Yup, that's what bodies do after you've had two babies and lived for 40+ years. The fucked-up part is that airbrushing is so routine that we don' t know what mature women are supposed to look like.

all the haters on this post need to self immolate

no she looks amazing no matter what

lol 15 minutes

honestly, people who are saying they hate taylor swift, that she's fake or a bitch or whatever, are fucking forcing it. like she's flawless, but she's not without flaws and stuff, but how can anyone not like her? honestly how?

oh my god this was the most precious thing and taylor's stream of conscious was SO FUNNY

Looking at them is like looking at the Sun I can't look for too long my eyes start to hurt from all the beauty

Take the shoot in its entirety and the slashfic practically writes itself

Pic 1. Wedding dresses. ..gossip. ...

please make out

I love them both so much oh my GOD. This is my everything. I feel like how Adultosaur must feel all the time.

A friend of mine was sexually assaulted by another student at her school, and she just reported it a couple days ago. When she told me she reported it to the school, I didn't have a lot of faith in them.

Dear Uma's make-up artist: No, people really don't understand what a huge difference make-up can create for a person's face. Nor do they understand what a huge difference doing make-up differently can create. Which is why they constantly feel the need to comment on and pass judgement on women because of their

Sorry but I don't see how Perry's second Christmas outfit is any more sophisticated or genuine than the one Grande's wearing in her second pic.

all I can see.

I think she's always had a kinda heavy eyelid on that side. It's not so evident when she's making big actor-y facial expressions, but looking at her resting face over the years, I think it's just... her face.

No I meant that a lot of women like to bully other women who are particularly young looking.