Mailing hazardous biological materials is pretty much textbook bioterrorism.
Shut the fuck up. You know who's "already vulnerable"? Young children who haven't been vaccinated, or whose first vaccine dose didn't take. Don't you fucking dare minimize the deaths of tens of thousands of children in your quest to be the special snowflake who doesn't need to vaccinate.
"Maybe she put me in terrible danger, but I don't think she did."
I know the show isn't appreciated by a lot of fellow readers, but your link made me thing of this:
In 2013, measles killed 16 people an hour. It is extremely contagious and deadly.
Another close call story here. I had the whooping cough as a toddler. I'm lucky I wasn't younger. As an infant, it could have been devastating. Instead, I was sick for about a month, and my first memories are of being that sick. My poor parents, I can't imagine how worried they must've been. Every time a post like…
I don't think most autistic people who say stuff like this are minimizing autism. I think they/we're saying that being autistic is not worse than being dead.
When my oldest sister died, it was because doctors didn't know what to do to save her. She just faded. Oct 16, 1983.
Maybe they just think it'll be over then, like one godawful day in the month of feburary to mourn both of them, as opposed to letting it be drawn out. Maybe they need to pick a day to let her go and the only way they can emotionally justify picking a day to let a 21 year old officially pass away is to link the days,…
I'm a black woman. Generally when I think of hot British people, I think of Idris Elba, Naomi Harris, etc. I won't apologize for finding people of my race with hot accents attractive.
oh is this the bad feminist shit again
This album wasn't made to generate hit singles. It's a cohesive whole. That's why it was released all of a sudden with no promotion. Hitting #1 wasn't the point. She is at a place in her career where she doesn't need to have the top single or to compete with Meghan Trainor for radio play. She can create the music she…
Yep, of course the black feminist lady must just be a trained bear, in contrast with the white male ARTIST.
I hate the system so much, I just want out of the greys!