He was there to make the "I kissed a girl" lyrics less girl on girl for the pearl clutching viewing audience.
What gets me is how public figures like that fucker Bloomberg can talk for one minute about the evils of bullying and the next fire a female teacher for having engaged in the sex industry at some point in the past. Slut shaming is a form of bullying, and one of the most insidious at that. Why are we telling our kids…
Nice article, Mark. I've long said that our Puritan past isn't so much our past in America. What galls me is men watch porn, even living in their porn bubble, but then talk like the women in them are trash, or somehow less than them. The stigma for women is greater for porn stars than for male porn stars too.
I am a male in his 30's and this idea that I need the same stuff from my childhood is weird. I AM NOT EIGHT YEARS OLD ANYMORE. I like different stuff than I did when I was 8. I don't need the stuff I liked in the 1980's endlessly recycled. I can find new stuff!
¥ Ghostbusters reboot cast(main characters) is entirely female. If that doesn't shut radical feminists up i don't know what else will. ¥
yes please
This is quite hilarious. I was born in 1983 and grew up watching the movies, the batman tv show on rerun, and star trek on rerun. I'm tired of these men's WAAA WAAA WAAAAAAAing when for most of my life nearly ALL the movies I've enjoyed and nearly all the american made cartoons I've liked are male casted with female…
This is the most brilliant thing I've read all year.
I was honestly pretty meh about this idea until the screeching backlash started.
*It's about Ethics in Our Childhoods.
Are we not talking about the fact that he:
"I'm not a hookup girl, I'm wife material." This shit puts me into a rage spiral every time.
Don't forget Katie Holmes' elaborate plan for escaping her marriage to Tom, including burner phones. She also was surrounded by Scientology minders, until she slipped away.