Mark, you're misusing the term "gonzo." It's a style of filming, it's not necessarily tied to any particular content, like choking, etc.
Mark, you're misusing the term "gonzo." It's a style of filming, it's not necessarily tied to any particular content, like choking, etc.
Personally, I like porn, but I have standards for the type I will watch. I.e. no rape in the name, no teacher student, no familial relations (and mostly James Deen tbh because I have a huge awkward crush on him.). Porn actually (oddly) helped me on my loving my own body journey because I used to think my vag was…
Riiiight. But if there wasn't a father-daughter relationship there, or at least the expectation of one because of their family dynamic, then why would Farrow care if he was paying attention to her?
I love them both I reject your valid feelings.
ugh. it's so ruinous. i got one while on holiday for the 4th of july one year. went to hospital, and since i knew what it was, got to wait for HOURS for that damn prescription because they were filled with idiots blowing their bits off. salt on the wound was, i got back to our rented lake house to my shit-faced…
I didn't understand the narrative of this. I never heard anyone say "pee before sex" to avoid UTIs. I am fascinated that these people apparently exist?! You pee AFTER sex, to avoid the burning pain.
This. I was going to say D-Mannose is a life saver for me. I keep little packets around and get my drink of whenever i feel that annoying sensation of a UTI.
yo UTIs are literally bacterial infections and you should not allow one to go on for a week untreated. I'm a big old hippie when it comes to home remedies and I use homeopathy whenever possible, but infections are serious and UTIs can very quickly spread to kidneys and limbs. ladies, go get antibiotics if you feel…
Its not like that at all. I used to get at least 1-2 uti's a year. Until a doctor finally told me to pee after sex. Before that I never did I would just pee Willyn nilly. now that I know its just more of a planning thing. If I don't have to go but its still possible to pee I hold it. As long as your bladder is not at…
Also stay the fuck out of hot tubs. Signed, persistent antibiotic resistant UTI since motherfucking November
try a little bit of baking soda in your water. Like the amount you get if you dip the handle of a teaspoon in, it makes you a little less acid, and acidity can make y get more frequent UTIs. My Mam does this after years of getting them all the time, and she's down to once or twice a year, which is a MASSIVE…
Honestly? I'd rather piss the bed...
Right? There is no one i hate that much in the world. (mayyyybe ann coulter.) My body went through a phase where I got a UTI every two months for a whole god damn year. That whole year is just a blur of pain and antibiotics.
I have NEVER heard the "pee before sex" mantra.
utis are the fucking worst. i wouldn't wish one on my worst enemy. maybe on like, hitler or pol pot. but erin who in 6th grade made fun of me because my uniform skirt was longer than my knees, AS PER THE RULES, nah girl. i don't have that much hate for you.
You never forget your first time.
I was 20 years old and had just moved into a new dorm in a new neighborhood at a new school. I had no friends in Brooklyn whatsoever and began to date my boyfriend maybe four days after moving. (We moved fast but we are also moving into our first apartment together on Tuesday, so it…
Yeah, I'm gonna keep right on peeing whenever I have to pee, thank you very much.