...merely existing as a black person in a country that doesn't care to know anything about you beyond the color of your skin.
Awww, that's both sweet and sad! I mean, it's totally, "Bu-but, I want to have sex with YOU LADIES! You could make up stories about that maybe?" and if someone was writing stories about me and my platonic friends, that would freak me out, too, but it's really sad that their response was they weren't good enough.…
Another, related source of concern I have about this; recently, a gorgeous heavy metal guitarist posted on Facebook about his discomfort with fans that 'ship' him with his bandmates. He asked something to the effect, "Why don't you ship us with you and be part of the love story?" The young ladies answered that they…
Thanks for your reply. I think you understand where I'm coming from.
I'm not saying ALL Destiel fans are crazy. I'm saying the craziest shippers are Destiel. There is a segment (a segment) of that fandom that insist the relationship is canon and get really pissed if you say isn't not actual canon, just slash fic. They insist that Dean really romantically loves Cas and is bi or closeted…
I'm 100% not one to tell anyone what they can or can't find erotic or compelling. 1. I have no right to. 2. I personally have no room to judge due to certain unorthodox things I...like.
People are crazy when it comes to Dean and Cas. CRAZY. I like fan fic. I like the winks the show sometimes gives to shippers. However there are people who insist their relationship is "canon." I can want to charaters to be together but I can't insist my fantasy is canon even if I *think* I have proof.
Whenever I see someone angrily justifying their slash ships by saying it increases LGBTQ representation in the fandom, I roll my eyes so hard.
Especially because the show has just as much supposed "queerbaiting" about Sam and Dean's relationship, which is another big ship in the fandom (I mean, the show referred to their relationship as "erotic" in canon, for god's sake). The TV Guide article "helpfully" explained that even though they've made all the same…
The Supernatural fandom is the one really don't understand. I've been watching on Netflix already knowing what the favorite fan ships are and I just don't see it at all. I see the show poking fun at the concept, but I don't see subtext and I don't see queerbaiting. They've created this whole canon for the show that…
The rampant, out-of-control misogyny in the slash community is another major problem.
Honestly, aren't there over thirty women that have come forward now? I would not be surprised if there really are over 40 women who he's raped over the years, so I don't think "scores" is that much of an exaggeration. At all.
The number is probably in the hundreds.
OMG #4 So much OMG. While this was not specifically about slash, it was still from the same mindset.
This is happening a bit with the Benedict Cumberbatch fans since he announced his engagement and upcoming baby with his fiancee. It's like the shippers who are so into fictional Sherlock-John as a pairing have transferred their ire to the real-life fiancee and have set up all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy theories…
This. All of it.
I have long had reservations about this, too, and for the same reasons as Kiri states.
1.) It is okay to find gay men having sex hot.