We can keep like three white male actors around, but they can only play either of the following roles:
We can keep like three white male actors around, but they can only play either of the following roles:
No, there shouldn't HAVE to be awards for diversity, it should just happen naturally, in a world without bias, the statistical number of these noms should reflect the actual population.
In addition to being almost all-white, the nominations were also almost all-male. Pretty much the only female nominations were those FOR the female-specific categories.
Much as I love and live for orgasms, I would probably fling myself off a bridge if I woke up tomorrow and found out all benzodiazepines had been wiped from the planet.
So I'm Australian so feel free to bash away, but I am gobsmacked at the "child safety" priorities here. Every day I read on my newsfeed in the US about mass school shootings of children, children shooting each other at home, a 2 year old shooting their mother in Walmart, accidental death of 6 year olds playing with…
What baffles me is how difficult it is to get kids out of abusive homes, and they go around threatening for this? They have WAAAAY better things to be doing.
His name was Javier and I met him when I worked at the bookstore in college. He was super hot, but that's because all he cared about in the world was his body. Good for him! Good for him. But between working out and moisturizing and hair care and trimming and and and, there was...not much left. But super hot and…
I have slept with so many embarrassing people. I made a lot of poor decisions in my late teens/early 20s. I lost my virginity to a 16 year old drug dealer when I was 18. And then I slept with him again a couple weeks later because I thought it might make me feel like it was a thing and not just a truly horrible idea.…
It's actually disgusting how smug and ignorant most white Canadians are about our country's past, and current race relations. We are not one little bit better than American's in that arena.
I'm beginning to think that Huckabee and Bill O'Reilly are secretly in love with Beyoncé with how frequently they comment about her.
Chiming in with Missy to agree and add that Blatchford's relevance to most of us locals dropped very low when she moved from a left/centrist paper to one of the most right-wing papers going. She's an asshole windbag who deserves obscurity.
That's just silly. There are serious and painful consequences for DUI (even besides the human costs) that dissuade many people from getting behind the wheel when they're drunk. Serious and painful consequences for sexual assault would likely do the same, even with drunk people.
Let's all fell free to contact this lady and express our disappointment
Can we not give any clicks to Blatchford? She's a tired old irrelevant crank who routinely victim blames and is just generally a terrible person.
Speaking of vomiting... Are we really supposed to believe that this kid saw Rehtaeh vomiting out a window and believed her to be capable of consenting to sex? What? Who would think "I know she just threw up from alcohol, but she's not stopping me so she must be into it?"
Just the fact that he would say that speaks to something lacking in his brain, you know? She threw up out a fucking window and this kid is trying to say they were in the groove? What the fuck is a groove to him? It's sooo belittling and dismissive and just fucking gross. So gross.
"I will not live with the guilt of someone passing away."
There are more important points to be discussed, certainly, but I would like to note that Christie Blatchford is basically Canada's Ann Coulter. Please don't anyone think her narrative is representative of how Canada feels about the multitude of crimes committed against Rehtaeh Parsons.
"We were in the groove." I want to vomit.